KOME is a theory and pure research-oriented journal of communication studies and related fields. Therefore theoretical researches and discussions that help to understand better, or reconceptualize the understanding of communication or the media are its center of interests; being either an useful supplement to, or a reasonable alternative to current models and theories. Given the connection between theory and empirical research, we are open to submissions of empirical papers if the research demonstrates a clear endorsement of communication and media theories. We are also committed to the ideas of trans- and interdisciplinarity and prefer topics that are relevant for more than one special discipline of social sciences. Articles published in KOME should represent the diversity that comprises the study of communication and related disciplines, regardless of philosophical paradigms and in favor of methodological pluralism. KOME encourage the use of non-sexist language in research writing.

  • Filológia.hu

    A Filológia.hu a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Modern Filológiai Társasága által alapított, online megjelenő, lektorált folyóirat. A folyóirat 2010 óta jelenik meg, Nyomárkay István akadémikus és Veszelszki Ágnes alapította. 2022-től a Ludovika Kiadó gondozza a kommunikáció- és médiatudománnyal, nyelv-, irodalom- és fordítástudománnyal foglalkozó, több nyelven kiadott szakfolyóiratot. 

  • Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication

    The Acta Humana – Human Rights Publications is an independent paper, which considers the ongoing presentation of the case law of the Council of Europe's Strasbourg-based Human Rights Court as a scientific mission, with special regard to Hungarian affairs; presenting the human rights case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union; as well as with publications of a scientific value on the subject, to support the training of administrative, public service and legal training institutions. Its purpose is to disclose research and professional experience from all aspects of the human rights field, to strengthen the interaction between scientific views and practical considerations.

  • European Mirror

    The European Mirror is a scientific journal of the National University of Public Service. The aim is to give a real picture of European integration processes and their challenges at the beginning of the third millennium. The geographical focus of the paper is the European Union, including Central and Eastern Europe and Hungary. Among the disciplines discussed here are the most important questions and topicalities of economics, law, politics and their boundaries.

  • AARMS – Academic and Applied Research in Military and Public Management Science

    As the name of the journal shows, its goal is to publish research results, peer-reviewed studies of high standard in English in the field of military science and military technology. Recent changes in the structure of the university have called for the renewal of the publication, allowing for publishing scientific results in other disciplines such as public administration as well as law enforcement.

  • Public Governance, Administration and Finances Law Review

    Public Governance, Administration and Finances Law Review, founded in 2016, is a Central European journal with global coverage, publishing original research articles, proceedings, and book reviews on all facets of public administration, public policy, and public management both on Central and Eastern Europe and other parts of the world. The journal aims to promote critical legal thinking, legal practice, and scholarly debate by providing a forum for disseminating academic research findings on the fields of public law and public finance, and through its Open Access policy, it wishes to contribute to a greater global exchange of knowledge.

  • Pro Publico Bono – Public Administration

    Pro Publico Bono is a peer-reviewed journal four-monthly published by the University of Public Service, Budapest. It covers researches based on public law, social and political sciences as well as interdisciplinary approach that explore future alternatives for fostering sustainable and innovative societies, good governance and for strengthening nation states as well as the European and transatlantic cooperation facing technological, ecological and cultural disruption in the increasingly complex and ambiguous 21st century.

  • Nation and Security – Security Policy Review

    The Nation and Security – Security Policy Review is a peer-reviewed academic journal of the National University of Public Service. The journal has focusing on current issues of security and defence policy. Currently 4 issues are published a year in Hungarian, complemented by 1 additional issue in English. Contributors include leading foreign and security policy experts, analysts and practitioners.

  • Hungarian Law Enforcement

    The scientific journal Hungarian Law Enforcement is a scientific periodical of the Police Science Faculty of the National University of Public Service  (hence pertaining to the field of police science). The primary professional goal of the periodical is to support the education at the university level in the field of police science, to publish new scientific results and to provide a professional scientific forum and publication opportunity. Its scientific focus is on the police science and  the criminal sciences with sufficient openness to the results of other disciplines and the interdisciplinary approach.

  • Military Engineer

    The Military Engineer journal is the military technical science thematic publication of the National University of Public Service Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training and Military Technical Doctoral School. The purpose of the journal is to publish researches of academics, PhD and university students about in the field of military engineering sciences and related topics.

  • Engineer Military Bulletin

    The Engineer Military Bulletin peer-reviewed journal is a representational online proceeding of the National University of Public Service Faculty of Military Sciences and Officers' Training and the Hungarian Association of Military Science Engineer Section. Its goal is to provide a platform for researchers, experts, lecturers, and students to present their scientific findings in the field of military science and military engineering.

  • Working Papers on State, Governance and Administration

    The new periodical publishes completed working papers related to the theoretical and methodological foundation of the science of public governance and state, to its application opportunities and to the researches on its domestic and international embeddedness. The periodical’s mission is to publish researches on the science of public governance and state for academic debates, and to initiate academic workshops and discussions with the involvement of the widest professional community possible. Publishing new contents on a weekly basis, the journal offers publication opportunities for everyone interested in the science of public governance and state, and thus supports the dialogue between universities and fields of sciences.

  • Bolyai Review

    The Bolyai Review is a military technical thematic online publication of the National Civil Service Faculty of Military Science and Defence Education. The aim of the electronic journal is to enable researchers, academics, PhD students and university students to publish their research findings in the field of military engineering sciences and related topics shortly.

  • Aeronautical Science Bulletins

    The purpose of the Aeronautical Science Bulletins (RepTudKoz) periodical, verified online journal is to provide researchers, faculty, doctoral, and master and undergraduate students to publish their research results in aviation science and related fields.

  • National Security Review

    The National Security Review is an electronic (online) scientific journal of the National Security Institute of NUPS. Its purpose is to provide opportunity to publish the scientific results of academics, researchers, professionals and students dealing with the national security sphere.

  • Military Science Review

    The Military Science Review is an online, science and public life orientated, quarterly issued periodical. The aim of the journal is to publish military science and the field of defence related articles. This scope includes the topics of military history, theory of defence, defence administration, national security, other ranges of military areas and also other scientific topics which closely connected to the former ones.