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object(Publication)#812 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(28) { ["id"]=> int(7275) ["accessStatus"]=> int(0) ["datePublished"]=> string(10) "2024-12-17" ["lastModified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-17 22:36:19" ["primaryContactId"]=> int(9087) ["sectionId"]=> int(31) ["seq"]=> int(1) ["submissionId"]=> int(7151) ["status"]=> int(3) ["version"]=> int(1) ["categoryIds"]=> array(0) { } ["citationsRaw"]=> string(2792) "Faludi, G. (2023). § 57/A-E. In D. Legeza & Gyertyánfy P. (Eds.), Nagykommentár a szerzői jogról szóló 1999. évi LXXVI. törvényhez. 1 January 2023, “Jogtár” Format Edition. Frosio, G. & Mendis, S. (2020). Monitoring and Filtering: European Reform or Global Trend? In G. Frosio (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Online Intermediary Liability (pp. 544–565). Oxford University Press. Online: https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198837138.013.28 Harkai, I. & Mezei, P. (2022). End-User Flexibilities and Platform Responsibility in the Light of the 17th Edition of the CDSM Directive. In B. Török & Zs. Ződi (Eds.), The Age of Internet Platforms. (pp. 109–127). Ludovika University Press. Husovec, M. (2023). The DSA as a Creator’s Charter? Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 18(2), 71–73. Online: https://doi.org/10.1093/jiplp/jpac116 Leistner, M. (2020). European Copyright Licensing and Infringement Liability under Art. 17 DSM-Directive Compared to Secondary Liability of Content Platforms in the U.S. – Can We Make the New European System a Global Opportunity Instead of a Local Challenge? Zeitschrift für Geistiges Eigentum/Intellectual Property Journal (ZGE/IPJ), (2), 123–214. Mendis, S. (2023, May 18). The Magic Bullet That Isn’t! The Limited Efficacy of Article 14 DSA in Safeguarding Copyright Exceptions to Quotation and Parody on Social Media Platforms. Verfassungsblog. Online: https://verfassungsblog.de/no-magic-bullet/ Mezei, P. & Harkai, I. (2022). Self-Regulating Platforms? An Analysis of the Enforcement of End-User Rights in the Light of the Transposition of Article 17 of the CDSM Directive. Public Governance, Administration and Finances Law Review, 7(1), 109–122. Online: https://doi.org/10.53116/pgaflr.2022.1.8 Quintais, J. P. (2020). The New Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive: A Critical Look. European Intellectual Property Review, 42(1), 28–41. Quintais, J. P. & Schwemer, S. F. (2022). The Interplay between the Digital Services Act and Sector Regulation: How Special Is Copyright? European Journal of Risk Regulation, 13(2), 191–217. Online: https://doi.org/10.1017/err.2022.1 Rosati, E. (2020). The Legal Nature of Article 17 of the Copyright DSM Directive, the (Lack of) Freedom of Member States and Why the German Implementation Proposal is not Compatible with EU Law. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 15(11), 874–878. Online: https://doi.org/10.1093/jiplp/jpaa163 Rosati, E. (2021). The Digital Services Act and Copyright Enforcement: The Case of Article 17 of the DSM Directive. In M. Cappello (Ed.), Unravelling the Digital Services Act Package (pp. 59–74). European Audiovisual Observatory. Online: https://rm.coe.int/iris-special-2021-01en-dsa-package/1680a43e45 " ["copyrightYear"]=> int(2024) ["issueId"]=> int(599) ["licenseUrl"]=> string(43) "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0" ["pages"]=> string(6) "5–23" ["pub-id::doi"]=> string(20) "10.53116/pgaflr.7151" ["abstract"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(498) "

The study examines the changing liability regime for intermediary service providers. It analyses the rules introduced by the CDSM Directive for content sharing platform providers, before contextualising these rules within the Digital Services Act (DSA) and reviews the changes in terms of liability for copyright infringement of other intermediary service providers. Finally, the paper considers the extent to which the DSA complements the new liability regime set out in the CDSM Directive.

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Associate Professor, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Department of Business Law, Budapest, Hungary

" } ["familyName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(11) "Grad-Gyenge" ["hu_HU"]=> string(11) "Grad-Gyenge" } ["givenName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(6) "Anikó" ["hu_HU"]=> string(6) "Anikó" } ["preferredPublicName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } ["keywords"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> array(6) { [0]=> string(42) "responsibility for copyright infringements" [1]=> string(34) "content sharing platform providers" [2]=> string(27) "very large online platforms" [3]=> string(18) "safe harbour rules" [4]=> string(20) "notice and take down" [5]=> string(20) "notice and stay down" } } ["subjects"]=> array(0) { } ["disciplines"]=> array(0) { } ["languages"]=> array(0) { } ["supportingAgencies"]=> array(0) { } ["galleys"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(ArticleGalley)#868 (7) { ["_submissionFile"]=> NULL ["_data"]=> array(9) { ["submissionFileId"]=> int(37095) ["id"]=> int(6126) ["isApproved"]=> bool(false) ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["label"]=> string(3) "PDF" ["publicationId"]=> int(7275) ["seq"]=> int(0) ["urlPath"]=> string(0) "" ["urlRemote"]=> string(0) "" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(true) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) }
object(Publication)#75 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(30) { ["id"]=> int(7436) ["accessStatus"]=> int(0) ["datePublished"]=> string(10) "2024-12-17" ["lastModified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-17 22:36:19" ["primaryContactId"]=> int(9321) ["sectionId"]=> int(31) ["seq"]=> int(2) ["submissionId"]=> int(7312) ["status"]=> int(3) ["version"]=> int(1) ["categoryIds"]=> array(0) { } ["citationsRaw"]=> string(4746) "Allegri, M. R. (2021). Il futuro digitale dell’Unione europea: nuove categorie di intermediari digitali, nuove forme di responsabilità. Rivista Italiana di Informatica e Diritto, 3(2), 7–23. Online: https://doi.org/10.32091/RIID0036 Beck, U. (1992). Risk Society. Towards a New Modernity. Sage. Calzolaio, S. (2023). Vulnerabilità della società digitale e ordinamento costituzionale dei dati. Rivista Italiana di Informatica e Diritto, 5(2), 13–33. Online: https://doi.org/10.32091/RIID0131 Canotilho, M. (2022). 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This text, aiming to contribute to the reflection of the main challenges faced by today's Societies, seeks, in essence, to draw attention to the importance of deepening the relations between Administrative Law and Public Governance, reflecting, for this purpose, on a framework of tension between a Vulnerable Society and the need for its resilient transformation,  associated with disruptive phenomena such as the pandemic, globalisation and the digital transition. In this sense, the exercise that we propose here, necessarily of an introductory nature, involves, at first, an approximation to the concept of "vulnerability", seeking to direct it to the legal level, and in particular seeking to cut it in the spectrum of Administrative Law, so that, at a subsequent moment, it becomes possible to point out the need for greater responsiveness – and, so too, "resilience" – on the part of public authorities, in an appeal to a dynamic but complex intersection between public policies and instruments of democratic governance and legal regulation, based on a matrix that privileges the dignity of the human person and fundamental constitutional values.

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["copyrightYear"]=> int(2024) ["issueId"]=> int(599) ["licenseUrl"]=> string(43) "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0" ["pages"]=> string(7) "41–58" ["pub-id::doi"]=> string(20) "10.53116/pgaflr.7502" ["abstract"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(1021) "

The right to vote stands as a cornerstone in contemporary liberal democracies, but its limits, particularly regarding who holds this privilege, remains a contentious issue, pitting democracy against the intricate dynamics of migration. Acknowledging this tension, this article asserts that a more illuminating perspective on the nexus between voting rights, migration and democracy emerges when viewed through the lens of human rights, as opposed to the conventional framework of citizenship rights. The article develops a theoretical framework based on a practical case from Germany, where the Demokratie für Alle movement advocates for voting rights for non-citizens, underlining thus the importance of a human-rights-based framework in shaping political demands. The article explores the articulation of a practice and the emergent theory upon which it can be sustained, exploring thus the concept of a performing representativity within an actual and evolving context.

" } ["copyrightHolder"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(14) "Toscano Javier" } ["subtitle"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(76) "Human Rights as a Blueprint to Demand Voting Rights for Non-citizen Migrants" } ["title"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(48) "Performing Representativity, Expanding Democracy" } ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["authors"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(Author)#858 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(15) { ["id"]=> int(9563) ["email"]=> string(16) "tosgue@yahoo.com" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(7626) ["seq"]=> int(3) ["userGroupId"]=> int(286) ["country"]=> string(2) "DE" ["orcid"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(26) "Humboldt University Berlin" ["hu_HU"]=> string(52) "a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:26:"Humboldt University Berlin";}" } ["biography"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(96) "

Fellow, InHerit Centre for Advanced Study, Humboldt University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany

" } ["familyName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(7) "Toscano" ["hu_HU"]=> string(7) "Toscano" } ["givenName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(6) "Javier" ["hu_HU"]=> string(6) "Javier" } ["preferredPublicName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } ["keywords"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(9) "migration" [1]=> string(12) "human rights" [2]=> string(13) "voting rights" [3]=> string(18) "citizenship rights" [4]=> string(24) "practice-based knowledge" } } ["subjects"]=> array(0) { } ["disciplines"]=> array(0) { } ["languages"]=> array(0) { } ["supportingAgencies"]=> array(0) { } ["galleys"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(ArticleGalley)#865 (7) { ["_submissionFile"]=> NULL ["_data"]=> array(9) { ["submissionFileId"]=> int(37092) ["id"]=> int(6140) ["isApproved"]=> bool(false) ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["label"]=> string(3) "PDF" ["publicationId"]=> int(7626) ["seq"]=> int(0) ["urlPath"]=> string(0) "" ["urlRemote"]=> string(0) "" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(true) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) }
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Scholars have long established the connections between strategic plans and service delivery and how lack of dedicated plans to clinically bypass the attendant complexities and intricacies tends to undermine the efficacy of the implementation process. Most research on the crucial antidote against bad governance, which is often attributed to arbitrary policy making, dearth of accountable leadership and uninformed decisions have been conducted in the developed climes where public service delivery are comparatively better served. Research about strategic plans in Africa, where most public institutions grope in the dark for lack of strategic torchlights to navigate the bumpy road to delivering public goods at a challenging time when citizens are becoming more demanding of governance dividends, is commensurably low. The paper, therefore, analysed the challenges to strategic plans implementation in achieving the objectives of public service organisations (PSOs) in The Gambia. Cross-sectional data about institutional challenges to adopted strategic plans were collected from relevant authorities and key informants, and descriptively analysed. The study revealed a range of challenges confronting implementation of strategic plans by PSOs in the country, namely, poor public service emoluments resulting in low staff morale and systemic corruption (RII = 3.90), political interference (RII = 3.88), inadequate facilities (RII = 3.86), lack of top management commitment (RII = 3.81), lack of political will (RII = 3.81), inadequate strategic management professionals and expertise (RII = 3.67), and insufficient budgetary allocations (RII = 3.66). Added to this, negative employee behaviour and attitude, negative and unfavourable internal and external environmental changes and conditions, and corruption and mismanagement of funds among others were the challenges that confronted PSOs during strategic plans implementation. The research validates strategic plan as a good governance tool for public service delivery in The Gambia.

" } ["additionalMetadatafield"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(101) "

The authors are especially thankful to the participants of this study and anonymous reviewers.

" } ["copyrightHolder"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(30) "Sawaneh Banna, Olaiya Taiwo A." } ["prefix"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(3) "The" } ["subtitle"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(98) "Analysis of the Challenges to Strategic Plans Implementation in Public Organisations in The Gambia" } ["title"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(57) "Bumpy Road to Good Governance and Public Service Delivery" } ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["authors"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(Author)#899 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(15) { ["id"]=> int(9588) ["email"]=> string(19) "bsawaneh@utg.edu.gm" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(false) ["publicationId"]=> int(7643) ["seq"]=> int(4) ["userGroupId"]=> int(286) ["country"]=> string(2) "GM" ["orcid"]=> string(37) "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2614-389X" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(24) "University of The Gambia" } ["biography"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(263) "

Associate Professor of Public Administration, Department of Management Sciences, School of Business & Public Administration (SBPA), University of The Gambia (UTG) and Senior Researcher at the Center for Policy, Research and Strategic Studies (CepRass).

" } ["familyName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(7) "Sawaneh" } ["givenName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(5) "Banna" } ["preferredPublicName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> object(Author)#892 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(15) { ["id"]=> int(9589) ["email"]=> string(22) "olaiyata@oauife.edu.ng" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(7643) ["seq"]=> int(4) ["userGroupId"]=> int(286) ["country"]=> string(2) "GM" ["orcid"]=> string(37) "https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2701-8596" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(24) "University of The Gambia" } ["biography"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(186) "

Full Professor, Department of Public Administration, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria. Visiting Professor, University of the Gambia, Serekunda, The Gambia.

" } ["familyName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(6) "Olaiya" } ["givenName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(8) "Taiwo A." } ["preferredPublicName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } ["keywords"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(10) "challenges" [1]=> string(15) "strategic plans" [2]=> string(14) "implementation" [3]=> string(49) "public service organisations and service delivery" [4]=> string(10) "The Gambia" } } ["subjects"]=> array(0) { } ["disciplines"]=> array(0) { } ["languages"]=> array(0) { } ["supportingAgencies"]=> array(0) { } ["galleys"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(ArticleGalley)#869 (7) { ["_submissionFile"]=> NULL ["_data"]=> array(9) { ["submissionFileId"]=> int(37090) ["id"]=> int(6127) ["isApproved"]=> bool(false) ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["label"]=> string(3) "PDF" ["publicationId"]=> int(7643) ["seq"]=> int(0) ["urlPath"]=> string(0) "" ["urlRemote"]=> string(0) "" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(true) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) }
object(Publication)#760 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(30) { ["id"]=> int(7757) ["accessStatus"]=> int(0) ["datePublished"]=> string(10) "2024-12-17" ["lastModified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-17 22:36:19" ["primaryContactId"]=> int(9776) ["sectionId"]=> int(31) ["seq"]=> int(5) ["submissionId"]=> int(7633) ["status"]=> int(3) ["version"]=> int(1) ["categoryIds"]=> array(0) { } ["citationsRaw"]=> string(6451) "Danbury, R. (2022). The EU’s Press Publisher’s Right is Too Broad. What Can Be Done about It? European Intellectual Property Review, 44(1), 20–26. Online: https://openaccess.city.ac.uk/id/eprint/26722 Furgał, U. (2021). The EU Press Publishers’ Right: Where Do Member States Stand? Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 16(8), 887–893. Online: https://doi.org/10.1093/jiplp/jpab105 Furgał, U. (2023). The Emperor Has No Clothes: How the Press Publishers’ Right Implementation Exposes Its Shortcomings. GRUR International, 72(7), 650–664. 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Access to information, consumption of media products and mass media have changed radically in the age of digital technologies. News gathering and aggregation platform services and social media sites have become indispensable, making news produced by press publishers available to the public in a collected, sorted and categorised form. The construction of the right of press publishers in the CDSM Directive raises a number of questions, and doubts have only been exacerbated by the Member States’ transposition. Experience to date does not yet provide scope for a precise analysis and interpretation of the impact of Article 15. Nor is it known yet in what exact framework does the new related rights be exercised in the Member States. Transposition and subsequent events do not provide answers to the most pressing questions. These include whether competition law instruments can be more effective against the dominant platform giants, which seem reluctant to reach agreements with publishers. Does it violate the principle of contractual freedom to force industry platforms to enter into Article 15 license agreements, when experience so far clearly shows that platforms would rather stop indexing content if they had to pay a fee for the content exploitation. While the intention to promote a free and diverse press, quality journalism, access to information for citizens, public debate and the development of a democratic society is more than welcome, experience so far paints a much more nuanced picture. In order to alley the doubts, this paper attempts to look into the details of the Hungarian implementation of press publishers’ right, and to outline what do the Hungarian press industry representatives think about the new neighbouring right.

" } ["additionalMetadatafield"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(345) "

The research was supported by the Digital Society Competence Centre of the Humanities and Social Sciences Cluster of the Centre of Excellence for Interdisciplinary Research, Development and Innovation of the University of Szeged. The author is a member of the Legal, Political Aspects of the Digital Public Sphere research group.

" } ["copyrightHolder"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(13) "Harkai Istvan" } ["subtitle"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(48) " Brief Empirical Report After the Implementation" } ["title"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(34) "Press Publishers' Right in Hungary" } ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["authors"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(Author)#866 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(15) { ["id"]=> int(9776) ["email"]=> string(25) "harkai.istvan89@gmail.com" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(7757) ["seq"]=> int(5) ["userGroupId"]=> int(286) ["country"]=> string(2) "HU" ["orcid"]=> string(37) "https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1584-4196" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(20) "University of Szeged" ["hu_HU"]=> string(84) "a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:58:"University of Szeged Faculty of Law and Political Sciences";}" } ["biography"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(152) "

Assistant Professor, Institute for Comparative Law and Legal Theory, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary

" } ["familyName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(6) "Harkai" ["hu_HU"]=> string(6) "Harkai" } ["givenName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(6) "Istvan" ["hu_HU"]=> string(6) "Istvan" } ["preferredPublicName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } ["keywords"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(16) "press publishers" [1]=> string(38) "ancillary right for press publications" [2]=> string(14) "CDSM Directive" [3]=> string(16) "platform economy" [4]=> string(21) "news aggregator sites" } } ["subjects"]=> array(0) { } ["disciplines"]=> array(0) { } ["languages"]=> array(0) { } ["supportingAgencies"]=> array(0) { } ["galleys"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(ArticleGalley)#905 (7) { ["_submissionFile"]=> NULL ["_data"]=> array(9) { ["submissionFileId"]=> int(37091) ["id"]=> int(6128) ["isApproved"]=> bool(false) ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["label"]=> string(3) "PDF" ["publicationId"]=> int(7757) ["seq"]=> int(0) ["urlPath"]=> string(0) "" ["urlRemote"]=> string(0) "" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(true) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) }
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Research misconduct (RM) and questionable research practices (QRPs) have a considerable impact on researchers, economy and society. Using a socio-economic impact assessment methodology, this article identifies and assesses their impacts. The objective is to help support the measures developed to promote research ethics and research integrity principles through shared responsibility (individual and institutional) and improve education and training. The article presents recommendations for policy and future research as part of a cohesive framework that takes socio-economic impacts into account.  This qualitative study advances and updates current knowledge on the impacts of RM, enriching existing research by introducing new insights, especially regarding socio-economic dimensions, affected stakeholders, and the relevance and significance of these impacts.

" } ["additionalMetadatafield"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(1053) "

The BEYOND Horizon Europe project – Beyond Bad Apples: Towards a Behavioural and Evidence-Based Approach to Promote Research Ethics and Research Integrity in Europe (2023–2025) is funded by the European Union, Grant agreement ID: 101094714. Trilateral Research is supported by UKRI Grant 10062742. This article and its contents reflect only the views of the authors and does not intend to reflect those of the European Commission or the UKRI. The European Commission or the UKRI is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. The authors would like to thank David Barnard-Wills and Ian Slesinger of Trilateral Research (reviews), the impact identification consultation participants (Sandra Bendiscioli, Martin Canter, Hugh Desmond, Kris Dierickx, Anja Gilis, Panagiotis Kavouras, Teodora Konach, Ana Marusic, Rita Santos, and Susanne van den Hooff), the validation workshop participants (Caroline Gans Combe, Anja Gilis, Panagiotis Kavouras, Dorota Lepianka and Susanne van den Hooff) and anonymous reviewers.

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Head of Innovation & Research Services, Trilateral Research Ltd., London, UK

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Postdoctoral Researcher, EUREC Office, Bonn, Germany

" } ["familyName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(9) "Pizzolato" } ["givenName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(6) "Daniel" } ["preferredPublicName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } ["keywords"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> array(6) { [0]=> string(7) "impacts" [1]=> string(17) "impact assessment" [2]=> string(31) "questionable research practices" [3]=> string(18) "research integrity" [4]=> string(19) "research misconduct" [5]=> string(21) "socio-economic impact" } } ["subjects"]=> array(0) { } ["disciplines"]=> array(0) { } ["languages"]=> array(0) { } ["supportingAgencies"]=> array(0) { } ["galleys"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(ArticleGalley)#897 (7) { ["_submissionFile"]=> NULL ["_data"]=> array(9) { ["submissionFileId"]=> int(37093) ["id"]=> int(6154) ["isApproved"]=> bool(false) ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["label"]=> string(3) "PDF" ["publicationId"]=> int(7845) ["seq"]=> int(0) ["urlPath"]=> string(0) "" ["urlRemote"]=> string(0) "" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(true) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) }
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The Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfer (IGFT) is a crucial tool for local governments (LGs) to bridge fiscal disparities by providing the necessary funds to fulfil their functional responsibilities. In the context of federal Nepal, IGFT has been classified into four types: fiscal equalisation, conditional, special and matching grants. This research is an attempt to examine the effectiveness of these transfer types in enhancing the local governments’ accountability in Nepal. Through a combination of quantitative and qualitative data types, this study collected primary and secondary data from seven purposively selected municipalities. Our analysis finds that IGFT serves as a powerful tool for advancing accountability among local governments in Nepal. However, the current trend of centralisation within federal government agencies, limited bureaucratic capabilities at both federal and local levels and inadequate political commitment to IGFT have hindered accountability at the local level.

" } ["copyrightHolder"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(40) "Acharya Keshav Kumar, Bhusal Thaneshwar " } ["subtitle"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(58) "Does It Lead to Greater Accountability at the Local Level?" } ["title"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(42) "Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfer in Nepal" } ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["authors"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(Author)#907 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(15) { ["id"]=> int(9921) ["email"]=> string(24) "keshavkacharya@gmail.com" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(7850) ["seq"]=> int(7) ["userGroupId"]=> int(286) ["country"]=> string(2) "NP" ["orcid"]=> string(37) "https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3295-0003" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(20) "Kathmandu University" ["hu_HU"]=> string(46) "a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:20:"Kathmandu University";}" } ["biography"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(86) "

Visiting Faculty of Kathmandu University School of Management, Kathmandu, Nepal

" } ["familyName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(7) "Acharya" ["hu_HU"]=> string(7) "Acharya" } ["givenName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(12) "Keshav Kumar" ["hu_HU"]=> string(12) "Keshav Kumar" } ["preferredPublicName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> object(Author)#902 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(15) { ["id"]=> int(9922) ["email"]=> string(33) "thaneshwar.bhusal@canberra.edu.au" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(7850) ["seq"]=> int(7) ["userGroupId"]=> int(286) ["country"]=> string(2) "AU" ["orcid"]=> string(37) "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4738-5337" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(22) "University of Canberra" } ["biography"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(117) "

Honorary Research Fellow, Faculty of Business, Government and Law, University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia

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