Rule of Law as the Hard Condition for Accession
Analysing the Current Preparedness of the Candidates in the Fields of the Judiciary and Fundamental Rights and Justice, Freedom and Security
Copyright (c) 2024 Koller Boglárka, Ördögh Tibor

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The enlargement policy stands as one of the EU’s most significant policies. In a changing world order and amid shifting geopolitical circumstances, it is in the vital interest of the European Union and its Member States to demonstrate progress in this policy area and to expand the Union with new members. Despite not expanding in the last ten years, the European Union’s enlargement policy has undergone significant changes, resulting in increasingly stringent and evolving requirements for candidate countries. This article utilises the conceptual framework of Europeanisation to assess the current preparedness of candidate countries, with a specific focus on the ‘fundamentals’, including Chapters 23 and 24.
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