Political Union or Europe of Nations?

Theoretical and Conceptual Considerations of the Million Dollar Question

doi: 10.32559/et.2021.3.1


In the European Union which has been in a permanent, multi-level institutional, political and legitimacy crisis for about a decade and a half, the “million dollar question” today is: What should be the institutional and political structure, taking into account the interests of the Member States, sub-national levels and the Union as a whole, that will ensure an effective response to internal and external crises that the Union is facing? What role will the European Union will play in the future? Should we think of a political union or a Europe of nations? This study does not offer absolute answers, but merely provides a theoretical and conceptual framework to answer the question. Is the European Union a political or a technocratic project? What
can we learn from the explanations of the integration theories? Is the EU moving towards a political union? Why is the EU’s political system unique? And where is the contradiction in the concept of a Europe of nations? Our aim is to seek answers to these questions.


Europe of nations political union European Union theories of European integration technocracy political system of the European Union


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