Terrorist Acts Involving Mass Injuries from the Perspective of the Healthcare Provide

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2024.2.10


Both the hospital and prehospital providers must prepare for mass casualty events. If this event can be linked to a crime, special medical professionals from law enforcement will also appear in addition to civilian providers. It is important, that the site provider and hospital workers in the receiving institution can handle the emergency situation based on a professional guideline. Primary casualty classification is at least as important as on-site care and notification and provision of reception facilities. A priority goal is to reduce time loss due to inactivity and chaos to zero, which requires accurate knowledge of classification (triage) and related procedural and reporting algorithms (CSCATTT, METHANE). Following this supply principle, communication can be standardised, as a result of which the loss of time on site can be reduced to a minimum. The goal for all patients is to get them to a definitive place of care as soon as possible.


tactical medicine triage disaster terrorism


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Internetes források

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