Role of the Multilateral Development Banks in Promoting New Public Management


The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the role of multilateral development banks, MDBs in the dissemination of new public management (NPM). Multilateral Development Banks have contributed through their projects and advisory activities to the spread of the Anglo-Saxon concept, the NPM concept and practice in transition and developing countries. Some elements of the NPM have been successfully integrated into the public service management of these countries, but others have not been able to be rooted there. This is partly due to the cultural and administrative frameworks of the respective countries as well as a result of the global crisis of 2008, the NPM concept itself has faced challenges it was not able to deal with. There was therefore a need for a paradigm shift in the development philosophy related to public management, so with the underlying neoliberal economic philosophy, the NPM was pushed back also in the MDB policies, norms and activities.


New Public Management development finance multilateral development banks


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