Drivers of the Global Population Growth and Expected Future Processes

  • Drabancz Áron
doi: 10.32559/et.2020.4.2


In my study, I examine global population issues using the total fertility rate and the replacement fertility rate. In my  paper, I calculate the replacement level fertility rate for the  countries of the world by 2100. According to the analysis, the value and standard deviation of the replacement level  fertility rate have decreased significantly in recent decades,  however, due to an even greater decline in the total fertility  rate, the world ceteris paribus is barely reproducing itself, the propensity to have children have fallen below the  reproductive level in most countries. In our century, basically only an increase in the population of older people will determine global population growth, thus, the world’s  population growth rate may slow down even further,  instead of overpopulation, aging could become the biggest  demographic global problem.  


population growth total fertility rate reproductivity replacement-level fertility


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