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Oxford: Oxford University Press. Online: https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198702375.001.0001" ["copyrightYear"]=> int(2023) ["issueId"]=> int(514) ["licenseUrl"]=> string(49) "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0" ["pages"]=> string(4) "7-32" ["pub-id::doi"]=> string(20) "10.32566/ah.2023.1.1" ["abstract"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(1365) "

After the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the Georgian–Abkhazian war, Abkhazia proclaimed its independence; however, at that time none of the other states recognised its independence. Following the so-called Russo– Georgian war, Abkhazia was recognised by Russia and soon after by some other states. How did Abkhazians live during the period when the territory was not recognised internationally and how did life change after gaining some recognition? The aim of this article is to answer these questions, to trace changes after international recognition of Abkhazia and to consider future prospects for wider global recognition. The article also analyses Russian–Georgian relations that had a direct impact on Abkhazia. The article consists of six parts, which analyse the reasoning behind Abkhazian justifications for independence, the right to self-determination, analyse in detail the period of time when Abkhazia existed as an unrecognised and isolated state, and also consider the changes that occurred after Abkhazia was recognised by several countries. This paper analyses the legal and geopolitical aspects behind recognition of internationally disputed territories. The significant role of international organisations in supporting peace in the region is discussed, as well as humanitarian aid to Abkhazia during its isolation.

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This paper aims to highlight why the logic of regionalisation can be applied in minority studies. Overall, the introduction of a regionalised structure benefits minority groups in a country, simply because through decentralisation their voices can be better heard. Two components constitute regionalisation: the strengthening of regional identities within the population, and the political will of the central state to enhance effectivity in public administration. Regionalisation is a concept based on the rediscovery of the necessity of territorial management which is slowly returning to public administration structures all over Europe, but especially in Spain, Italy and France. These three countries are represented in this paper as examples of countries where the status of minorities can be examined through the analysis of the regionalisation process introduced there.

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This paper critically evaluates all the developments that lead to the making of caste discrimination an issue in international human rights law (IHRL) – both as racial discrimination and as an issue of the minority rights regime. It explores the reasons why such developments and the politics of it have proven to be insufficient in cause and totality in addressing the rampant abuses of the human rights of Dalits. While focusing on the obvious limitations of the minority rights regime in including Dalits as a minority, it weighs the limitations and the potential of the existing IHRL corpus in addressing caste discrimination. The paper will first outline the genealogy of caste discrimination in IHRL, which will provide a descriptive account of all the developments. I identify the treatment of caste in terms of a “violating norm” and as a “violation sub-category”. Then the paper seeks to engage with the theory on the limitations and critiques of IHRL, to argue that there are theoretical and legal-doctrinal fault lines in the conception of caste discrimination as a sub-set of descent-based racial discrimination both normatively and interpretatively. To support this argument the paper explores reasons for the failure of IHRL in critical legal thought – which outline the triumph of cultural and social pressures in the society over the language of IHRL. Following this, a novel attempt is made to develop the concept of “cultures of oppression” as a central theme in imagining a “Dalit critique of IHRL” which in my opinion is not only a normative contribution to the critical discourses in reimagining IHRL which is more responsive to the problems of Dalits, but also provides a new outlook for human rights movements to combat caste discrimination.

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object(Publication)#176 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(30) { ["id"]=> int(6898) ["accessStatus"]=> int(0) ["datePublished"]=> string(10) "2023-03-31" ["lastModified"]=> string(19) "2023-04-14 11:28:50" ["primaryContactId"]=> int(8530) ["sectionId"]=> int(14) ["seq"]=> int(4) ["submissionId"]=> int(6774) ["status"]=> int(3) ["version"]=> int(1) ["categoryIds"]=> array(0) { } ["citationsRaw"]=> string(4261) "Akademik (2018): На референдумот од 91 година од 1.495.807 граѓани со право на глас излегле 1.132.981 граѓанин, од кои над 95% гласале „За“ [In the referendum of 1991, out of 1,495,807 citizens with the right to vote, 1,132,981 citizens came out, of which over 95% voted “Yes”]. Akademik, 01 October 2018. Online: https://akademik.mk/na-referendumot-od-91-godina-od-1-495-807-gragani-so-pravo-na-glas-izlegle-1-132-981-graganin-od-koi-nad-95-glasale-za/ Bieber, Florian (2008): Power-Sharing and Implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement. In Dehnert, Stefan – Sulejmani, Rizvan (eds.): Power Sharing and the Implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement. Skopje: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung – Office Macedonia. 7–40. Blazevska, Katerina (2021): Фрчкоски: Охридскиот договор е успешен, но уште „неразбран“ [Frchkoski: The Ohrid agreement is successful, but still “misunderstood”]. DW, 14 August 2021. Daskalovski, Zhidas (2002). Language and Identity: The Ohrid Framework Agreement and Liberal Notions of Citizenship and Nationality in Macedonia. JEMIE – Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe, (1), 1–31. Online: https://www.ssoar.info/ssoar/handle/document/6216 Dimitrov, Nikola (1999): The Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. Historical Background and Theoretical Implication. Skopje: Matica Makedonska. Lijphart, Arend (1977): Democracy in Plural Societies. A Comparative Exploration. New Haven: Yale University Press. Linz, Juan J. – Stepan, Alfred C. (1996): Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation. Southern Europe, South America and Post-Communist Europe. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Lyon, Aisling (2011): Municipal Decentralisation: Between the Integration and Accommodation of Ethnic Difference in the Republic of Macedonia. In Risteska, Marija –Daskalovski, Zhidas (eds.): One Decade after the Ohrid Framework Agreement: Lessons (to be) Learned from the Macedonian Experience. Skopje: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung – Office Macedonia. 87–115. Manor, James (1999): The Political Economy of Democratic Decentralization. Washington, D.C.: World Bank. Online: https://doi.org/10.1596/0-8213-4470-6 Marolov, Dejan (2013): Understanding the Ohrid Framework Agreement. In Ramet, Sabrina P. – Listhaug, Ola – Simkus, Albert (eds.): Civic and Uncivic Values in Macedonia. Houndsmill: Palgrave Macmillan. 134–154. Online: https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137302823_8 NDI (2020): Public Opinion Research in North Macedonia. Online: https://www.ndi.org/publications/ndipoll-public-opinion-research-north-macedonia-june-2020 Pichler, Robert (2009): Historiography and the Politics of Education in the Republic of Macedonia (1991–2008). In Dimou, Augusta (ed.): “Transition” and the Politics of History Education in Southeastern Europe. Göttingen: V&R unipress. 217–251. Todorov, Petar (2020): “Us” against “Them”: Historical Education that Enables Division. In “Us” against “Them” Symbolic Divisions in North Macedonia. Skopje: Centre for the Research of Nationalism and Culture. 69–91. Official documents Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia of 1991. Online: https://www.sobranie.mk/ustav-na-rm.nspx Council of Europe (2022): Fifth Opinion on North Macedonia. Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (ACFC). Online: https://www.coe.int/en/web/minorities/-/north-macedonia-publication-of-the-5th-advisory-committee-opinion Ohrid Framework Agreement (2001). Online: https://www.osce.org/skopje/100622 Устав на Социјалистичка Република Македонија од 1974 [Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia of 1974]. Online: https://www.marxists.org/makedonski/istorija/makedonija/ustavsrm1974/index.htm Venice Commission (2019): European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission), North Macedonia. Opinion on the Law on the Use of Languages, CDL-AD (2019)033, adopted at its 121st Plenary Session, 6–7 December 2019. Online: https://www.venice.coe.int/webforms/documents/?pdf=CDL-AD(2019)033-e" ["copyrightYear"]=> int(2023) ["issueId"]=> int(514) ["licenseUrl"]=> string(49) "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0" ["pages"]=> string(5) "67-76" ["pub-id::doi"]=> string(20) "10.32566/ah.2023.1.4" ["abstract"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(1335) "

The Balkans can be described as a laboratory of modernity, especially when it comes to the form of multicultural life in the communities. The modern nation states that formed from the dissolution of Yugoslavia in the 1990s were faced on the one hand with a “need” to establish a state for the majority dominant ethnic group, and on the other hand to reconcile the multicultural reality of their societies and accommodate for the rights of minorities. This paper will focus on the constitutional and legal implications that followed the signing of the Ohrid Framework Agreement (OFA). It will also give an overview of the contents of the OFA and subsequent legislation juxtaposing it to international standards prescribed by documents such as the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities and the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities of the Council of Europe. In the context of this legal analysis, the paper will examine the developing political environment through analysing certain dynamics in the political system focusing on parliament and political parties. It will also follow the discourse and popular support of the agreement and its effects on the internal and external stability of North Macedonia.

" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["prefix"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["subtitle"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["title"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(80) "The Ohrid Framework Agreement and International Law: Twenty Years of Development" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["copyrightHolder"]=> array(1) { ["hu_HU"]=> string(12) "Donev Nikola" } ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["authors"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(Author)#797 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(15) { ["id"]=> int(8530) ["email"]=> string(19) "donev.edu@gmail.com" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(6898) ["seq"]=> int(4) ["userGroupId"]=> int(235) ["country"]=> string(2) "BG" ["orcid"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["biography"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["familyName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(5) "Donev" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["givenName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(6) "Nikola" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["preferredPublicName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } ["keywords"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(25) "Ohrid Framework Agreement" [1]=> string(15) "minority rights" [2]=> string(17) "international law" [3]=> string(13) "power sharing" [4]=> string(14) "reconciliation" } } ["subjects"]=> array(0) { } ["disciplines"]=> array(0) { } ["languages"]=> array(0) { } ["supportingAgencies"]=> array(0) { } ["galleys"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(ArticleGalley)#798 (7) { ["_submissionFile"]=> NULL ["_data"]=> array(9) { ["submissionFileId"]=> int(27846) ["id"]=> int(5362) ["isApproved"]=> bool(false) ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["label"]=> string(3) "PDF" ["publicationId"]=> int(6898) ["seq"]=> int(0) ["urlPath"]=> string(0) "" ["urlRemote"]=> string(0) "" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(true) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) }
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The Free City of Danzig was one of the peculiar European regions in the period between the two World Wars under the administration of the League of Nations. This was the present-day area of the city of Gdańsk and its vicinity. Danzig had a special legal status. This study attempts to capture one of the specific aspects of this complex issue – the relationship between local administration and the local Poles, and the Polish state agencies. Through the presentation and analysis of the situation of this “city” of special status, the reader may obtain an insight into the procedures of one of the first transitory crisis management operations of the international community and into the life of the minority population.

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It is widely known that artificial intelligence is part of our lives. It is also generally feared that artificial intelligence has a potential to endanger human rights in this digital age. The paper intends to examine whether the European Court of Human Rights, dedicated to protecting human rights in Europe, has been forced to deal with artificial intelligence. The main focus of the analysis is the case law of the Court: after the identification of the human rights potentially in danger, the database of the Court’s case law, HUDOC, has been screened by keyword search. Based on the examination of the jurisprudence, the paper will disclose if the Court has artificial intelligencerelated cases and attempts to predict whether it ever will.

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The term “environmental refugees” was used by the United Nations Environmental Program in 1985, drawing the international community’s attention to environmentally induced human mobility for the first time. Almost 40 years on, migration experts, lawyers as well as the international community struggle to define and to conceptualise an imminent phenomenon. Migration studies as such are still struggling for their own emancipation among other fields of social sciences, and now migration experts are challenged with a novel social phenomenon, climate change induced human mobility. In fact, environmentally induced human mobility is not a new phenomenon, it is merely a novel research area. In this article, I will collect and summarise traditional and emerging migration theories and concepts, in order to establish whether climate change induced human mobility may be interpreted by any of these theories at all, or if not, how could these be adapted to understand climate change induced human mobility.

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