Poland and the Local Poles in the Free City of Danzig between the two World Wars

  • Somogyi Renáta
doi: 10.32566/ah.2023.1.5


The Free City of Danzig was one of the peculiar European regions in the period between the two World Wars under the administration of the League of Nations. This was the present-day area of the city of Gdańsk and its vicinity. Danzig had a special legal status. This study attempts to capture one of the specific aspects of this complex issue – the relationship between local administration and the local Poles, and the Polish state agencies. Through the presentation and analysis of the situation of this “city” of special status, the reader may obtain an insight into the procedures of one of the first transitory crisis management operations of the international community and into the life of the minority population.


Polish minority transitory international management League of Nations legitimacy Danzig immunity high commissioner

Hogyan kell idézni

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