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object(Publication)#705 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(29) { ["id"]=> int(6529) ["accessStatus"]=> int(0) ["datePublished"]=> string(10) "2023-02-02" ["lastModified"]=> string(19) "2023-02-02 14:38:47" ["primaryContactId"]=> int(8046) ["sectionId"]=> int(5) ["seq"]=> int(1) ["submissionId"]=> int(6405) ["status"]=> int(3) ["version"]=> int(1) ["categoryIds"]=> array(0) { } ["citationsRaw"]=> string(3077) "Afolabi, Ibrahim – Tarik Taleb – Konstantinos Samdanis – Adlen Ksentini – Hannu Flinck: Network Slicing and Softwarization: A Survey on Principles, Enabling Technologies, and Solutions. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 20, no. 3 (2018). 2429–2453. Online: https://doi.org/10.1109/COMST.2018.2815638 Bastos, Luis – Germano Capela – Alper Koprulu – Gerard Elzinga: Potential of 5G Technologies for Military Application. 2021 International Conference on Military Communication and Information Systems (ICMCIS), (2021). 1–8. Online: https://doi.org/10.1109/ICMCIS52405.2021.9486402 Bognár, Eszter Katalin: Possibilities and Security Challenges of Using IoT for Military Purposes. Hadmérnök, 13, no. 3 (2018). 378–390. ETSI: 5G; System Architecture for the 5G System (3GPP TS 23.501 version 15.3.0 Release 15). 2020. Filali, Abderrahime – Amine Abouaomar – Soumaya Cherkaoui – Abdellatif Kobbane – Mohsen Guizani: Multi-Access Edge Computing: A Survey. IEEE Access, 8 (2020). 197017–197046. Online: https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3034136 ITU-R: Recommendation ITU-R M.2083-0, IMT Vision – Framework and Overall Objectives of the Future Development of IMT for 2020 and Beyond. 2020. Kim, Hwankuk: 5G Core Network Security Issues and Attack Classification from Network Protocol Perspective. Journal of Internet Services and Information Security (JISIS), 10 (2020). 1–15. Online: https://doi.org/10.22667/JISIS.2020.05.31.001 Kollár, Csaba: Az IoT katonai felhasználási lehetőségei és a fejlesztés irányai. Hadmérnök, 12, no. 4 (2017). 146–158. Liao, Jingjing – Xinjian Ou: 5G Military Application Scenarios and Private Network Architectures. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering and Computer Applications (AEECA), (2020). 726–732. Online: https://doi.org/10.1109/AEECA49918.2020.9213507 Nakao, Akihiro – Ping Du – Yoshiaki Kiriha – Fabrizio Granelli – Anteneh Atumo Gebremariam – Tarik Taleb – Miloud Bagaa: End-to-end Network Slicing for 5G Mobile Networks. Journal of Information Processing, 25 (2017). 153–163. Online: https://doi.org/10.2197/ipsjjip.25.153 Ranaweera, Pasika – Anca Delia Jurcut – Madhusanka Liyanage: Survey on Multi-Access Edge Computing Security and Privacy. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 23, no. 2 (2021). 1078–1124. Online: https://doi.org/10.1109/COMST.2021.3062546 Sicari, Sabrina – Alessandra Rizzardi – Alberto Coen-Porisini: 5G in the Internet of Things Era: An Overview on Security and Privacy Challenges. Computer Networks, 179 (2020). Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2020.107345 Tóth, András: Cloud of Things Security Challenges and Solutions. 2021 Communication and Information Technologies (KIT), (2021). 1–6. Online: https://doi.org/10.1109/KIT52904.2021.9583760 Wang, Peng – Xing Zhang – Zhi Yan – Barry G. Evans – Wenbo Wang: Convergence of Satellite and Terrestrial Networks: A Comprehensive Survey. IEEE Access, 8 (2020). 5550–5588. Online: https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2963223" ["copyrightYear"]=> int(2023) ["issueId"]=> int(494) ["licenseUrl"]=> string(49) "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0" ["pages"]=> string(4) "5-20" ["pub-id::doi"]=> string(23) "10.32565/aarms.2022.3.1" ["abstract"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(1629) "

In military operations, battlefield sensor systems and various solutions supporting reconnaissance and surveillance are increasingly important. Networked battlefield and military devices deployed in the operational theatre can be the best solution to this, ensuring that they are designed to collect all the data generated in their environment, which they are programmed to acquire. These devices continuously share the information they collect with each other and with a central storage and processing server. The required interconnections are typically two-way communications with all the criteria necessary to share the collected data in the shortest possible time. The data collected and analysed in this way can contribute significantly to the near real-time monitoring of the real operational situation and environment. This capability will enable the acquisition and maintenance of information superiority and can significantly speed up decision-making processes. Therefore, networked battlefield intelligent devices are essential for achieving operational objectives and successfully executing operations. In this paper, the author examines the integration of various levels of military IoT devices into the cloud environment and the use of 5G technology as a possible future solution for developing the communication environment. To achieve the research objectives, the author performs a comparative analysis between relevant international academic publications and technical reports on the topic, based on which he formulates his research results.

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object(Publication)#119 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(28) { ["id"]=> int(6059) ["accessStatus"]=> int(0) ["datePublished"]=> string(10) "2023-02-02" ["lastModified"]=> string(19) "2023-02-02 14:38:48" ["primaryContactId"]=> int(7426) ["sectionId"]=> int(5) ["seq"]=> int(2) ["submissionId"]=> int(5935) ["status"]=> int(3) ["version"]=> int(1) ["categoryIds"]=> array(0) { } ["citationsRaw"]=> string(6421) "4/2008 (VIII.1.) Decree of the Ministry of Local Government on the protection of forests against fire. Online: https://net.jogtar.hu/jogszabaly?docid=a0800004.onm 6/2014 (III.7.) NDGDM statement on the reporting procedure for firefighting and technical rescue activities of the disaster management bodies and fire brigades. Online: https://net.jogtar.hu/getpdf?docid=A14U0006.OKF&targetdate=&printTitle=6/2014.+%28III.+7.%29+BM+OKF+utas%C3%ADt%C3%A1s&getdoc=1 54/2014 Decree of the Ministry of the Interior on the National Fire Regulation. 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Wildfires are one of the most common natural disasters in the world, which cause millions of hectares of damage each year. This fact poses a major challenge to the defence sector. Environmental safety problems caused by wildfires affect not only the ecosystem but also all aspects of society. Research on the effects of climate change predicts a more uneven rainfall distribution and rising daily average temperatures in summer and autumn in the Carpathian Basin. The effects of climate change will be indirectly detectable, such as the extension of fire risk periods, the increase in the number of wildfires and their spatial and temporal distribution, and the increase in fire intensity. Changes due to climate change will pose an even greater challenge in the future to the Hungarian authorities, which are responsible for preventing and extinguishing wildfires. One of the purposes of the paper is to define indicators that can be used to compare the number and extent of wildfires each year with the degree of the daily fire risk and the length of periods during which the wildfires occurred. For this, it is necessary to define the concept of the high fire risk days and the endangered areas and parts of the country in the Hungarian climatic conditions. Based on previous statistical studies, the authors will examine the spring and summer fire seasons separately because of the different fuel conditions and the causes of fire ignition. They examine statistical data on wildfires and apply GIS application. Another aim of the research is to find a correlation between the daily fire risk values, the number of wildfires and the burned area. A fire risk-based investigation of the wildfires that have occurred in the last decade can later help in official preparation, annual planning and preparation of forces involved in the prevention and firefighting.

" } ["copyrightHolder"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(34) "Bodnár László, Debreceni Péter" } ["title"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(59) "Complex Analysis of Wildfires in Hungary in the Last Decade" } ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["authors"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(Author)#749 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(15) { ["id"]=> int(7426) ["email"]=> string(24) "bodnar.laszlo@uni-nke.hu" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(6059) ["seq"]=> int(2) ["userGroupId"]=> int(82) ["country"]=> string(2) "HU" ["orcid"]=> string(37) "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9196-8030" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(37) "National University of Public Service" ["hu_HU"]=> string(31) "Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem" } ["biography"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(18) "

PhD student

" ["hu_HU"]=> string(19) "


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Online: https://cck-law.com/blog/human-body-organ-systems-and-their-function/" ["copyrightYear"]=> int(2023) ["issueId"]=> int(494) ["licenseUrl"]=> string(49) "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0" ["pages"]=> string(5) "49-70" ["pub-id::doi"]=> string(23) "10.32565/aarms.2022.3.3" ["abstract"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(1454) "

The publication focuses on the safety of the damaged environment that arises during firefighting interventions, the protection and ergonomic factors of personal protective equipment currently used in Hungary and internationally, and on increasing and improving the level of protection and other issues related to firefighting interventions. Personal protective equipment must provide the highest level of protection against unforeseen threats in different directions, taking into account proportionality. The basic idea of the publication is to analyse and evaluate the typical sources of danger in the firefighters’ work environment in the domestic and international environment, to examine the personal protective equipment in use from several aspects, and to examine the applicability of the currently used personal protective equipment for firefighters. The publication covers the load-bearing capacity of the human body, taking into account age, the concept and interpretation of ergonomics, and the implementation of personal protective equipment in practice. In addition, the author mentions the firefighting accidents of the last 10 years in Hungary and the role of personal protective equipment in them. There is also talk of processing firefighting accidents abroad. Examining the practice of the National Directorate General for Disaster Management settings, maintenance and training will also be one of the topics of the publication.

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object(Publication)#187 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(29) { ["id"]=> int(6308) ["accessStatus"]=> int(0) ["datePublished"]=> string(10) "2023-02-02" ["lastModified"]=> string(19) "2023-02-02 14:38:48" ["primaryContactId"]=> int(7769) ["sectionId"]=> int(5) ["seq"]=> int(4) ["submissionId"]=> int(6184) ["status"]=> int(3) ["version"]=> int(1) ["categoryIds"]=> array(0) { } ["citationsRaw"]=> string(4694) "Abdenur, Adriana Erthal – Giovanna Kuele – Ariane Francisco: Enhancing Peacekeeping Training through Cooperation Lessons from Latin America. Brasilia, Igarapé Institute, 2018. Al-Jazeera: Uruguay Apologises over Alleged Rape in Haiti. Al-Jazeera, 07 September 2011. Online: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2011/9/7/uruguay-apologises-over-alleged-rape-in-haiti Avezov, Xenia: The New Geopolitics of Peace Operations: A Dialogue with Emerging Powers: South America Regional Dialogue. Journal of International Peacekeeping, 17 (2013). 162–170. 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Latin American States have been ardent defenders of international peace and security for several decades. Preeminent among them is the state of Uruguay, which has contributed a substantial amount of military and police personnel to United Nations peace operations to a degree that cannot be explained by its territory, economic potential, military might or political power. The country was lauded for its efforts in the international community by subsequent secretaries-general of the United Nations. Illustrated by the fact that the small country has provided several force commanders and thousands of personnel, Uruguay is a virtual giant when it comes to contributions to peace operations. The study aims at finding answers to three fundamental questions. Firstly, what kind of tendencies can be observed regarding the contribution of Latin American States and how Uruguay’s actions can be compared to other states in the region. Secondly, what are the causes for such a robust presence. Last but not least, could large-scale contributions also have adverse effects in the form of misconduct and crimes committed by peacekeepers and if that is the case, how can such occurrences be remedied.

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object(Publication)#116 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(28) { ["id"]=> int(6536) ["accessStatus"]=> int(0) ["datePublished"]=> string(10) "2023-02-02" ["lastModified"]=> string(19) "2023-02-02 14:38:47" ["primaryContactId"]=> int(8054) ["sectionId"]=> int(5) ["seq"]=> int(5) ["submissionId"]=> int(6412) ["status"]=> int(3) ["version"]=> int(1) ["categoryIds"]=> array(0) { } ["citationsRaw"]=> string(3926) "Földi, László – Rajmund Kuti: Characteristics of Forest Fires and their Impact on the Environment. AARMS, 15, no. 1 (2016). 5–17. Online: https://doi.org/10.32565/aarms.2016.1.1 Frangieh, Nicolas – Dominique Morvan – Sofiane Meradji – Gilbert Accary – Oleg Bessonov: Numerical Simulation of Grassland Fires Behavior Using an Implicit Physical Multiphase Model. Fire Safety Journal, 102 (2018). 37–47. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.firesaf.2018.06.004 Hoffman, Chad M. – John Canfield – Rodman R. Linn – William Mell – Carolyn H. Sieg – Francois Pimont – Johannes Ziegler: Evaluating Crown Fire Rate of Spread Predictions from Physics-Based Models. Fire Technology, 52 (2016). 221–237. Online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10694-015-0500-3 Hoffman, Chad – Penelope Morgan – William Mell – Russell Parsons – Eva K. Strand – Stephen Cook: Numerical Simulation of Crown Fire Hazard Immediately after Bark Beetle-Caused Mortality in Lodgepole Pine Forests. Forest Science, 58, no. 2 (2012). 178–188. Online: https://doi.org/10.5849/forsci.10-137 Hoffman, Chad M. – Penelope Morgan – William Mell – Russell Parsons – Eva Strand – Steve Cook: Surface Fire Intensity Influences Simulated Crown Fire Behavior in Lodgepole Pine Forests with Recent Mountain Pine Beetle-Caused Tree Mortality. Forest Science, 59, no. 4 (2013). 390–399. Online: https://doi.org/10.5849/forsci.11-114 Hoffman, Chad M. – Carolyn H. Sieg – Rodman R. Linn – William Mell – Russell A. Parsons – Justin P. Ziegler – J. Kevin Hiers: Advancing the Science of Wildland Fire Dynamics Using Process-Based Models. Fire, 1, no. 2 (2018). Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/fire1020032 Linn, Rodman – Jon Reisner – Jonah J. Colman – Judith Winterkamp: Studying Wildfire Behavior Using FIRETEC. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 11, no. 4 (2002). 233–246. Online: https://doi.org/10.1071/WF02007 Mell, William – Mary A. Jenkins – Jim Gould – Phil Cheney: A Physics-Based Approach to Modelling Grassland Fires. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 16, no. 1 (2007). 1–22. Online: https://doi.org/10.1071/WF06002 Mell, William – Alexander Maranghides – Randall McDermott – Samuel L. Manzello: Numerical Simulation and Experiments of Burning Douglas Fir Trees. Combustion and Flame, 156, no. 10 (2009). 2023–2041. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2009.06.015 McGrattan, Kevin – Simo Hostikka – Jason Floyd – Randall McDermott – M. Vanella: Fire Dynamics Simulator User’s Guide. NIST Special Publication 1019, 2022. Morvan, Dominique – Jean-Luc Dupuy: Modeling the Propagation of a Wildfire through a Mediterranean Shrub Using a Multiphase Formulation. Combustion and Flame, 138, no. 3 (2004). 199–210. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2004.05.001 Padányi, József – László Földi: Security Research in the Field of Climate Change. In László Nádai – József Padányi (eds.): Critical Infrastructure Protection Research. Results of the First Critical Infrastructure Protection Research Project in Hungary. Zürich, Springer International Publishing, 2016. 79–90. Online: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-28091-2_7 Restás, Ágoston: Az erdőtüzek légi felderítésének és oltásának kutatás-fejlesztése [Research and Development of the Aerial Reconnaissance and Extinguishing of Forest Fires]. PhD thesis. Budapest, Zrínyi Miklós National Defence University, Bolyai János Faculty of Military Engineering, Doctoral School of Military Technology, 2008. Online: https://tudasportal.uni-nke.hu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/20.500.12944/12101/Teljes%20sz%C3%B6veg!.pdf?sequence=1 Sullivan, Andrew L.: Convective Froude Number and Byram’s Energy Criterion of Australian Experimental Grassland Fires. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 31, no. 2 (2007). 2557–2564. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2006.07.053" ["copyrightYear"]=> int(2023) ["issueId"]=> int(494) ["licenseUrl"]=> string(49) "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0" ["pages"]=> string(6) "85-100" ["pub-id::doi"]=> string(23) "10.32565/aarms.2022.3.5" ["abstract"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(705) "

Nowadays, the number of forest and vegetation fires is gradually increasing, which are destroying ever larger areas of the Earth. In order to increase the efficiency of activities aimed at prevention and elimination of the consequences of fires, a scientifically based investigation of vegetation fires is essential. Our goal is to examine vegetation fires in simulation environment. During our research work, a simulation model was created with WFDS program, and the spread and effects of fire in a given area were examined. The analysis of the simulation results can help in understanding the propagation properties of vegetation fires, as well as form a good starting point for further research.

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A few countries in Latin America, like Mexico, Argentina, Brazil have already achieved notable results in their own space programs even before the current wave of space activities. Smaller countries in the region, due to possible commercial gains, scientific achievements and security concerns also turned their attention towards space. The chance for cooperation with major space actors, like the United States, the European Space Agency (owning a significant base in French Guiana), or the People’s Republic of China is a tempting offer, but not without its own pitfalls. To strengthen their position and their own space programs 18 nations recently founded the Latin American and Caribbean Space Agency (Agencia Latinoamericana y Caribeña del Espacio). In this paper we shall examine the recent developments in the region’s space activity and the influence of major space powers, especially that of China and the U.S.

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While a wide range of extensive literature deal with migration as a security concern, much less attention is aimed at migrant remittances regarding security. However, vulnerable communities in developing regions such as Latin America tend to rely upon the sum of money received from migrants working abroad. In the shadow of the Covid-19 pandemic, it has again become apparent that migrant related monetary remittances play a vital role in disaster relief. In this paper it is argued that remittances have been a crucial tool for economic and human security in Latin America especially during the pandemic. Examining primary and secondary statistical sources, the analysis also tries to find explanations for the resilience and increasing volume of cross-border remittances with regard to the Latin American region, exceeding earlier estimates to a great extent.

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