Developing Space Programs and Cooperation in Latin America
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A few countries in Latin America, like Mexico, Argentina, Brazil have already achieved notable results in their own space programs even before the current wave of space activities. Smaller countries in the region, due to possible commercial gains, scientific achievements and security concerns also turned their attention towards space. The chance for cooperation with major space actors, like the United States, the European Space Agency (owning a significant base in French Guiana), or the People’s Republic of China is a tempting offer, but not without its own pitfalls. To strengthen their position and their own space programs 18 nations recently founded the Latin American and Caribbean Space Agency (Agencia Latinoamericana y Caribeña del Espacio). In this paper we shall examine the recent developments in the region’s space activity and the influence of major space powers, especially that of China and the U.S.
How to Cite
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