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Download: Style Guide





Title Page • Author(s), editor(s), working title, subtitle.
Contents • The table of contents should clearly show the order of chapters and topics and their hierarchy (we suggest numbering the chapters/sections).
Preface and/or Epilogue • Mandatory for edited books, recommended for other types of manuscripts.
Main body of text • While working on the final copy
of the main body of text special attention must be
given to the following points.

System of titles The inner logic of the book should be reflected in the titles; it should correspond with the table of contents. In addition, the titles should be short if possible. Apart from the title and subtitle of the book, they should contain no more than three title rankings.

Paragraphs A new idea should appear in a new paragraph. Indicate the new paragraph with an [Enter]. Avoid paragraphs of only one or two sentences! Avoid the use of the Tab key in indenting, the final form of the paragraphs will be given during typesetting.

Highlights Use of cursive (italic) is the most common form of emphasis. Italics may be used for names, concepts, or important expressions. Bold text may only be used in certain textbooks and notes. The working draft should have no underlined text.

Lists Listed points and data may be given and numbered up to two sub-sections. In addition to numbers, letters or dashes, or other symbols may be used. Whichever marker is chosen it must be used throughout the draft. A period (full stop) is to be placed after each number, and brackets are to be used after letters!.

Abbreviations Abbreviations must always be given first in full, that is to say any shortened concept, law, name must first be given in full and then afterward the abbreviation is introduced using the “hereinafter” expression.

Quoting (quotation) For more information on quotes see e.g. Butcher, Judith – Drake, Caroline – Leach, Maureen (2006): Butcher’s Copy-editing. The Cambridge Handbook for Editors, Copy-editors and Proofreaders. 4th ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 264–266.

  • To indicate a quotation the following quotation marks are used: “quote”.

  • To indicate a quote within a quotation single quotation marks are used: “quote ‘quote within a quote’ end of quote.”

  • Added particles within a quote are to be shown thus: “quote[s].”

References (works cited, bibliography) Whichever method is chosen, it should be consistent in form and use and precise in content. In the References/Bibliographyall references must be indicated and no non-referenced item may appear in the main body. A list of works cited is a mandatory component of the submitted draft. The Bibliography may include all works of relevance to the article, regardless of their being cited or not. We ask that you use one of the following forms of reference:

  1. Short intra-text bracketed, with works cited in alphabetical order with given year.

  2. Short references in footnotes and in alphabetical order with given year.

The exact form and content are given in the Ap- pendix (Formal requirements of references chart).

Illustrations, charts and graphs • Illustrations, tables and figures should only be used if they contain relevant information. Tables, digital illustrations and other illustrations are to be in editing enabled file format. The figures and tables must be numbered! The tables are to have titles (appearing above the table), the diagrams are to have signatures/subtext (appearing below the figure). The illustrations (tables, figures, pictures) are to be given references for their sources. Illustrations of no informational value, possibly of unpublishable quality, or of uncertain source, may be withheld from publication at the publisher’s discretion.


Foreign characters If the draft document contains foreign character (Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic etc.), we ask that you only use one font (e.g. Times New Roman).


Most frequently used characters

Quotation marks (opening and closing): Alt0147, Alt0148; Alt0145, Alt0146

“ ”

‘ ’

Angle quotes (opening and closing): Alt0171 Alt0187

« »

En Dash: Alt0150

Ellipsis: Alt0133

Multiplication sign: Alt0215


Cover • The Publisher decides the cover.

Summary of content Concise information about the work in 800 characters (including spaces) found on the back cover of the book and on the website.

About the author (optional) A professional biography of the author in 300 characters (including spaces) found on the back cover of the book and on the website.

Photograph of the author (optional) A good quality digital photograph on the back cover of the book and the website.

Submission of the final draft • In electronic format (.rtf and .doc) on the “Elektronikus Kérelmezési Rendszer” [Electronic Application System] (ekr.ludovika.hu). Publication will be decided by the Ludovika Publishing Committee, only after the manuscript has been completed and considered closed by the author.







Main types of referenced works

Formal contents of the reference

A work included in the references

Reference (intra-text in parentheses or in footnotes without parentheses)

Monograph with a single author

Surname, First Name (year of publication): Title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Ryan, Alan (2020): On Politics. A History of Political Thought from Herodotus to the Present. New York: Norton.

(Ryan 2020: 15)

Monograph with two authors

Surname, First Name 1 – Surname, First Name 2 (year of publication): Title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Scruton, Roger – Dooley, Mark (2016): Conversations with Roger Scruton. London: Bloomsbury.

(Scruton–Dooley 2016: 15)

Monograph with three or more authors

In intra-text references after the first author’s name the et al. abbreviation is to be used. (In the works cited segment all the authors are to be listed.)

Hague, Rod – Harrop, Martin – McCormick, John(2019): Comparative Government and Politics. An Introduction. London: Red Globe Press.

(Hague et al. 2019: 15)

Edited volume

Surname, First Name ed. (year of publication):

Title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Tottoli, Roberto ed. (2022): Routledge Handbook of Islam in the West. London: Routledge.

(Tottoli 2022: 15)


Surname, First Name (year of publication): Title [format]. Place of publication: Publisher. Online: [LINK]

Winter, Stephen (2022): Monetary Redress for Abuse in State Care [ePDF]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Online: https://doi.org/10.1017/9781009082662

(Winter 2022)

Translated book

Surname, First Name (year of publication): Title. Trans. Name of the translator. Place of publication: Publisher.

Kaser, Max (1965): Rman Private Law. Trans. Rolf Dannenbring. Durham: Butterworths.

(Kaser 1965: 15)

Chapter of a book

Surname, First Name (year of publication): Title of the Chapter. In Editor’s Name (ed.): Title of the Book. Place of publication: Publisher, page number – page number.

Dévai, Dóra (2022): The International Cyberspace Policy of the European Union. In Molnár, Anna – Mártonffy, Balázs (eds.): Cyber Diplomacy from the European Perspective. Budapest: Ludovika, 89–108.

(Dévai 2022: 100–


Journal article (print)

Surname, First Name (year of publication): Title of the Article. Title of the Journal, volume(issue), page number – page number.

Ondrék, József (2022): Johnson and Vietnam: Decision Making during Operation Rolling Thunder. AARMS, 21(2), 87–97.

(Ondrék 2022: 90–


Journal article (online)

Surname, First Name (year of publication): Title of the Article. Title of the Journal, volume(issue), page number – page number. Online: [LINK or DOI]

Cavanagh, William (2021): The Splendid Idolatry of Nationalism. Pro Publico Bono – Public Administration, 9(2), 4–25. Online: https://doi.org/10.32575/ppb.2021.2.1

(Cavanagh 2021: 15–20)

News Article

Surname, First Name (year of publication): Title of the Article. Title of the Newspaper, date. page number – page number.

Hirneisen, Madison (2020): Mike Pompeo Says Religious Freedom Alliance to Advocate for Persecuted. The Washington Times, 19 February 2020. Online: www.washingtontimes.com/ news/2020/feb/19/mike-pompeo-says-religious-freedom- alliance-advoca

(Hirneisen 2020)


Surname, First Name (year of publication): Title of the Dissertation. Type of the dissertation. Institution.

Oltay, Edith (2021): From Status Law to Citizenship: The Redefinition of the Hungarian Nation Concept. Doctoral (PhD) Dissertation. University of Public Service Doctoral School of Public Administration Sciences.

(Oltay 2021: 15)


Surname, First Name (year of publication, if available): Title of the Draft. Manuscript.

Kiyotaki, Nobuhiro – Moore, John (1997): Credit Chains. Manuscript. Online: www.princeton.edu/~kiyotaki/papers/ creditchains.pdf

(Kiyotaki–Moore 1997: 15)

Blog post

Surname, First Name (year of publication): Title. Website, date. Online: [LINK]

Békefi, Miklós (2021): Where Does Our Christian Freedom Come From? Ludovika.hu, 27 May 2021. Online: http:// ludovika.lnkiy.in/Bekefi_2021

(Békefi 2021)

Internet content

Surname, First Name (if available) (year of publication, if available): Title. Online: [LINK]

Young, Richard (2002): Perspectives on Strategic Planning in the Public Sector. Online: http://ludovika.lnkiy.in/Young_2002

Management of the University of Public Service (2022). Online: https://en.uni-nke.hu/about-ludovika-ups/management

(Young 2002)

(Management of the UPS 2022)

More than one reference from one author with different years of publication

For short references, the surname is not repeated, only the years of the pubications are placed next to each other, separated by a colon.

Boda, Mihály (2020): Erasmus and István Magyari on the Justification of War. AARMS, 19(1), 27–36.

Boda, Mihály (2021): Imperial Historicism: An Example of Scientific Justification of Foreign Policy and Warfare in the 19–20th Centuries in Hungary. AARMS, 20(3), 81–95.

(Boda 2020: 30;

2021: 92)


More than one reference from one author in one year

A Latin letter is attached to the year without a space between them to differentiate the references.

Huntington, Samuel P. (1991a): Democracy’s Third Wave. Journal of Democracy, 2(2), 12–34. Huntington, Samuel P. (1991b): The Third Wave. Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press.

(Huntington 1991a: 15)

… (Huntington

1991b: 20)

Identical surnames and identical years of publication

If in addition to the authors’ surnames the years of publication are identical, their initials or full names are given in every short reference.

Szabó, Csaba (2016): Examination of Law Enforcement Strategies which Influence Criminal Behaviour. AARMS, 15(3), 263–269.

Szabó, Szilvia (2016): Managerial Responsibility and Efficiency in Public Service (Competency-based Solutions). AARMS, 15(3), 271–277.

(Cs. Szabó 2016:


(Sz. Szabó 2016: 275)


surnames with different years of publication

In case of authors with identical surnames with different years of publication they are not differentiated in the short (intra-text) references.

Kiss, Petra (2015): The Role of Nuclear Weapons in NATO’s Early Cold War Strategies (1949–1957). AARMS, 14(1), 107–120.

Kiss, Álmos Péter (2017): Asymmetric Warfare. Conflict of the Past, the Present, and the Future. Budapest: Dialóg Campus.

(Kiss 2015: 110)

(Kiss 2017: 20)

Primary source citation

Surname, First Name (year of the recent publication) [year of the original publication]: Title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Melville, Herman (1967) [1851]: Moby-Dick; or The Whale. New York: Norton.

(Melville 1967

[1851]: 15)

Work of unknown author or the author/editor is not relevant

Title (year of publication). Place of publication: Publisher.

Oxford English Dictionary (1989). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

(Oxford English Dictionary 1989)

Published work without publisher/place of publication/year of publication

Abbreviations that should be used in references for missing data: year of publication unknown: [s. a.] = sine anno place of publication unknown: [s. l.] = sine loco publisher unknown: [s. n.] = sine nomine

Huntington, Samuel P. [s. a.]: The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. New York: Simon & Schuster.


Huntington, Samuel P. [1996]: The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. [s. l.]: Simon & Schuster.


Huntington, Samuel P. [1996]: The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. New York: [s. n.].

(Huntington [s. a.]: 15)

or (Huntington 1996: 15)

or (Huntington

1996: 15)


Title of the Film (year of production). Dir. Name of the director. Production company.

Son of Saul (2015). Dir. László Nemes. Laokoon Filmgroup.

(Son of Saul 2015)

Radio programme/ Podcast

Host/broadcaster (year of broadcast): Title of the Episode. Name of Broadcaster, date. Online: [LINK]

Baranyi, Ágnes (2021): Cartoon Leaks. Ludovika.hu, 18 October 2021. Online: www.ludovika.hu/podcast/movie- leaks/2021/10/18/cartoon-leaks

(Baranyi 2021)

Television programme

Broadcaster (year of broadcast): Title of Programme. Name of Broadcaster, date.

NKE (2022): Professor with Doctor Honoris Causa. Ludovika TV, 4 April 2022. Online: http://y2u.be/RvFm8qrM8zs

(NKE 2022)


User [@account] (year of post): Entire tweet or the first few words. Twitter, date. Online: [LINK]

Ludovika – UPS [@Euni_nke] (2022): Colonel Pável Foltin. Twitter, 2 November 2022. Online: https://twitter.com/uni_nke/ status/1587814222129512448

(Ludovika – UPS 2022)


User [@account] (year of post): Title of the Video YouTube, date. Online: [LINK]

NKE [@NkeUni] (2022): Hungarian Startup University. YouTube, 26 September 2022. Online: http://y2u.be/ LdsGuwSbSqI

(NKE 2022)


User [@account] (year of post): Entire post or the first few words. Facebook, date. Online: [LINK]

NKE [@uni.nke] (2022): NKE – NMHH. Facebook, 13 December 2022. Online: www.facebook.com/uni.nke/posts/pfb id02AoxRnM4jyE14RXG3okrnc4ku5iBpxuyWYvpFfkY7fg3mht Ws9zMuNWrJLFpampZwl

(NKE 2022)


User [@account] (year of post): Entire post or the first few words. Instagram, date. Online: [LINK]

NKE [@uni.nke] (2022): Ludovika Campus. Instagram, 18 November 2022. Online: www.instagram.com/p/ClG7O1jIJ_s

(NKE 2022)

Identical user, identical years of publication

A Latin letter is attached to the year without a space between them to differentiate the references.

NKE [@NkeUni] (2022a): Hungarian Startup University. YouTube, 26 September 2022. Online: http://y2u.be/ LdsGuwSbSqI NKE [@uni.nke] (2022b): Ludovika Campus. Instagram, 18 November 2022. Online: www.instagram.com/p/ClG7O1jIJ_s

(NKE 2022a)

(NKE 2022b)