Examination of the Application of Currently Used, New or Additional Firefighting Personal Protective Equipment

doi: 10.32565/aarms.2022.3.3


The publication focuses on the safety of the damaged environment that arises during firefighting interventions, the protection and ergonomic factors of personal protective equipment currently used in Hungary and internationally, and on increasing and improving the level of protection and other issues related to firefighting interventions. Personal protective equipment must provide the highest level of protection against unforeseen threats in different directions, taking into account proportionality. The basic idea of the publication is to analyse and evaluate the typical sources of danger in the firefighters’ work environment in the domestic and international environment, to examine the personal protective equipment in use from several aspects, and to examine the applicability of the currently used personal protective equipment for firefighters. The publication covers the load-bearing capacity of the human body, taking into account age, the concept and interpretation of ergonomics, and the implementation of personal protective equipment in practice. In addition, the author mentions the firefighting accidents of the last 10 years in Hungary and the role of personal protective equipment in them. There is also talk of processing firefighting accidents abroad. Examining the practice of the National Directorate General for Disaster Management settings, maintenance and training will also be one of the topics of the publication.


firefighter personal protective equipment ergonomics accident the human body

How to Cite

Horváth, L. (2023) “Examination of the Application of Currently Used, New or Additional Firefighting Personal Protective Equipment”, AARMS – Academic and Applied Research in Military and Public Management Science. Budapest, 21(3), pp. 49–70. doi: 10.32565/aarms.2022.3.3.


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