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object(Publication)#705 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(28) { ["id"]=> int(5527) ["accessStatus"]=> int(0) ["datePublished"]=> string(10) "2022-01-25" ["lastModified"]=> string(19) "2022-01-25 12:41:41" ["primaryContactId"]=> int(6696) ["sectionId"]=> int(5) ["seq"]=> int(1) ["submissionId"]=> int(5403) ["status"]=> int(3) ["version"]=> int(1) ["categoryIds"]=> array(0) { } ["citationsRaw"]=> string(2580) "Boyd, Robert and Peter J Richerson, Culture and the Evolutionary Process. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985. Cohen, Mathilde, ‘Judges or Hostages? Sitting at the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights’, in EU Law Stories. Contextual and Critical Histories of European Jurisprudence, ed. by Fernanda Nicola and Bill Davies. Washington, D.C.: Cambridge University Press, 2017, 58‒80. Online: https://doi.org/10.1017/9781316340479.004 Csányi, Vilmos, Az evolúció általános elmélete [The General Theory of Evolution]. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1979. Gyurgyák, János, Európa alkonya [The Twilight of Europe]. Budapest: Osiris, 2018. Harari, Yuval N, Homo Deus. Harper Collins, 2018. Online: https://doi.org/10.17104/9783406704024 Hirschl, Ran, Towards Juristocracy. The Origins and Consequences of the New Constitutionalism. Boston: Harvard University Press, 2004. Jakab, András, Az európai alkotmányjog nyelve [The Language of the European Constitutional Law]. Budapest: NKE Szolgáltató Kft., 2016. Kingsbury, Benedict, ‘Foreword: Is the Proliferation of International Courts and Tribunals a Systemic Problem?’ N. Y. U. Journal of International Law and Politics 31 (1999). Kis, Norbert, ‘Anti-Politics, Populism and Political Psychology’. Comparative Politics 9, no 2 (2018), 83–93. Kis, Norbert, ‘The power of virtuality as a challenge for governments: A post-state dystopia’, in Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov, ed. by András Nemeslaki, Alexander Prosser, Dona Scola and Tamás Szádeczky. Wien: Austrian Computer Society, 2019, 107–114. Pokol, Béla, Európai jurisztokrácia [European Juristocracy]. Budapest: Dialóg Campus Kiadó, 2019. Somek, Alexander, ‘Administration without Sovereignty’, in The Twilight of Constitutionalism?, ed. by Petra Dobner and Martin Loughlin. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. Online: https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199585007.001.0001 Spengler, Osvald, The Decline of the West. Alfred A Knopf, 2nd ptg edition, 1926. Stumpf, István, Erős állam, alkotmányos korlátok [Strong State, Constitutional Constraints]. Budapest: Századvég, 2014. Teitel, Ruti and Robert Howse, ‘Cross-Judging: Tribunalization in a Fragmented but Interconnected Global Order’. N. Y. U. Journal of International Law and Politics 41 (2009), 292‒294. Zito, Anthony Z, ‘Epistemic Communities, European Union Governance and the Public Voice’. Science and Public Policy 28, no 6 (2001), 465–476. Online: https://doi.org/10.3152/147154301781781183" ["copyrightYear"]=> int(2022) ["issueId"]=> int(453) ["licenseUrl"]=> string(49) "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0" ["pages"]=> string(4) "5-14" ["pub-id::doi"]=> string(23) "10.32565/aarms.2021.2.1" ["abstract"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(1565) "

This article aims to investigate the controversial concept of Juristocracy that has been widely analysed recently. This theory claims that lobbyists representing a liberal ideology have formed an oligarchy of lawyers in EU institutions. These juristocratic networks seek to limit the sovereignty of post-liberal, legitimate national governments. The concept extends to other supranational institutions as well as NGOs and academic networks. This study discusses the political ambition of lawyers of EU institutions and their existence as political protagonists i.e. Juristocracy. However, the theory of Juristocracy addresses some historical phenomena. The EU’s bureaucracy has become a “power institution” and tends to compete with national governments. In this socio-evolutionary struggle, both legal and political theories can easily become “power theories”. The concept of Juristocracy reflects the weakening global influence of neoliberal values as well as the changing role of post-WWII supranational institutions. In this respect, juristocratic networking can be seen as a historical necessity as much as it has to do with the conflict of supranational and national governance, in particular within the EU. The legitimacy and public trust of supranational institutions is more and more challenged, thus the study concludes the need for a new, win–win deal between national governments and supranational institutions. Otherwise, in the long-term, nation states will only survive if relying on historical and socio-psychological foundations.

" } ["copyrightHolder"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(11) "Kis Norbert" } ["title"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(57) "The Concept of Juristocracy on Trial: Reality or Fiction?" } ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["authors"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(Author)#740 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(15) { ["id"]=> int(6696) ["email"]=> string(22) "kis.norbert@uni-nke.hu" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(5527) ["seq"]=> int(1) ["userGroupId"]=> int(82) ["country"]=> string(2) "HU" ["orcid"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["biography"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["familyName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(3) "Kis" ["hu_HU"]=> string(13) "Prof. Dr. Kis" } ["givenName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(7) "Norbert" ["hu_HU"]=> string(7) "Norbert" } ["preferredPublicName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } ["keywords"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> array(7) { [0]=> string(12) "Juristocracy" [1]=> string(10) "liberalism" [2]=> string(14) "European Union" [3]=> string(13) "supranational" [4]=> string(12) "nation state" [5]=> string(9) "illiberal" [6]=> string(15) "political power" } } ["subjects"]=> array(0) { } ["disciplines"]=> array(0) { } ["languages"]=> array(0) { } ["supportingAgencies"]=> array(0) { } ["galleys"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(ArticleGalley)#753 (7) { ["_submissionFile"]=> NULL ["_data"]=> array(9) { ["submissionFileId"]=> int(21578) ["id"]=> int(4778) ["isApproved"]=> bool(false) ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["label"]=> string(3) "PDF" ["publicationId"]=> int(5527) ["seq"]=> int(0) ["urlPath"]=> string(0) "" ["urlRemote"]=> string(0) "" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(true) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) }
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Due to its geographical proximity to Western countries, Turkey is becoming one of the critical points of a complex migration system that includes asylum seekers, refugees, regular, irregular and transit migrants. For this reason, Turkey, regarded as a “transition country”, is a very important station on the way to European destinations. With this aspect, Turkey has become a key country in terms of the EU’s border security, and this feature has become the focal point of EU–Turkey relations.
Despite the importance and insufficient opportunities for irregular migration to the EU, Turkey’s struggle with transit migration will be discussed in this study. Furthermore, the routes used by refugees to reach Europe through Turkey, as well as the statistics related with these routes, will be examined.

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The article discusses the initial role of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Central Asia and the latest development trends, as well as possible scenarios for its transformation in the future, with a special focus on Central Asia. The enlargement of the SCO in 2017 enhanced its geopolitical weight and expanded opportunities for further multilateral cooperation. It has a chance to transform into the Eurasian organisation. Nevertheless, these perspectives remain unclear.

" } ["copyrightHolder"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(38) "Vasa László, Nurimbetov Rakhmatulla " } ["source"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["title"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(86) "The Shanghai Cooperation Organization in a Changing Central Asian Geopolitical Context" } ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["authors"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(Author)#773 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(15) { ["id"]=> int(6936) ["email"]=> string(19) "laszlo.vasa@ifat.hu" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(5703) ["seq"]=> int(3) ["userGroupId"]=> int(82) ["country"]=> string(2) "HU" ["orcid"]=> string(37) "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3805-0244" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(55) "a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:29:"Széchenyi István University";}" ["hu_HU"]=> string(55) "a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:29:"Széchenyi István University";}" } ["biography"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["familyName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(4) "Vasa" ["hu_HU"]=> string(4) "Vasa" } ["givenName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(8) "László" ["hu_HU"]=> string(8) "László" } ["preferredPublicName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> object(Author)#120 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(15) { ["id"]=> int(6937) ["email"]=> string(10) "sco@mfa.uz" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(5703) ["seq"]=> int(3) ["userGroupId"]=> int(82) ["country"]=> string(2) "UZ" ["orcid"]=> string(37) "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8145-0510" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(91) "National Coordinator of Uzbekistan for SCO Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Uzbekistan" } ["biography"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["familyName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(10) "Nurimbetov" } ["givenName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(12) "Rakhmatulla " } ["preferredPublicName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } ["keywords"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> array(8) { [0]=> string(33) "Shanghai Cooperation Organization" [1]=> string(12) "Central Asia" [2]=> string(6) "Russia" [3]=> string(5) "China" [4]=> string(11) "geopolitics" [5]=> string(11) "regionalism" [6]=> string(20) "regional integration" [7]=> string(27) ", transformation of the SCO" } } ["subjects"]=> array(0) { } ["disciplines"]=> array(0) { } ["languages"]=> array(0) { } ["supportingAgencies"]=> array(0) { } ["galleys"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(ArticleGalley)#748 (7) { ["_submissionFile"]=> NULL ["_data"]=> array(9) { ["submissionFileId"]=> int(21585) ["id"]=> int(4780) ["isApproved"]=> bool(false) ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["label"]=> string(3) "PDF" ["publicationId"]=> int(5703) ["seq"]=> int(0) ["urlPath"]=> string(0) "" ["urlRemote"]=> string(0) "" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(true) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) }
object(Publication)#187 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(28) { ["id"]=> int(5623) ["accessStatus"]=> int(0) ["datePublished"]=> string(10) "2022-01-25" ["lastModified"]=> string(19) "2022-01-25 12:41:41" ["primaryContactId"]=> int(6828) ["sectionId"]=> int(5) ["seq"]=> int(4) ["submissionId"]=> int(5499) ["status"]=> int(3) ["version"]=> int(1) ["categoryIds"]=> array(0) { } ["citationsRaw"]=> string(3441) "Boulding, Kenneth E, The Meaning of the Twentieth Century: The Great Transition. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1964. Online: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003256960 Boulding, Kenneth E, Conflict and Defense: A General Theory. Auckland: Valmy Publishing, 2018. Braw, Elisabeth, ‘NATO’s New Frontlines: Security and Deterrence in the Baltic Sea Region’. Atlantic Council, November 2016. Online: https://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep03480 Canadian Forces Aerospace Warfare Centre, ‘Air Power Doctrine’, in Royal Canadian Air Force Doctrine, 2015. Curtis E LeMay Center, ‘Basic Doctrine’, in United States Air Force Doctrine. Maxwell, 2015. Frear, Thomas, ‘Lessons Learned?: Success and Failure in Managing Russia–West Incidents 2014–2018’. European Leadership Network, April 2018. Online: https://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep17423?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents Fryc, Mariusz, ‘From Wales to Warsaw and Beyond: NATO’s Strategic Adaptation to the Russian Resurgence on Europe’s Eastern Flank’. Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Institutes Connections Quarterly Journal 15, no 4 (2016), 45–65. Online: https://doi.org/10.11610/Connections.15.4.03 Hähnlein, Rayk, ‘Air Power: Credible deterrence and defence call for superior air forces. NATO has realised that’. German Federal Academy for Security Policy, Security Policy Working Paper no 6 (2018). Online: https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/resrep22201.pdf?refreqid=excelsior%3A81c607511bf4e3276a2bad37984ff7a4 Jones, Johnny R, Lieutenant Colonel, ‘Air Power’. United States Air University Journal. Online: https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/Portals/10/ASPJ/journals/Chronicles/jjones.pdf Kainikara, Sanu, ‘What Constitutes Air Power?’, in Pathfinder Collection Volume 9, ed. by Sanu Kainikara. Canberra: Australian Air Power Development Centre, 2019, 23–26. Online: https://airpower.airforce.gov.au/publications/pathfinder-collection-volume-9 Liddell-Hart, Basil H, The Rommel Papers. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1953. Lithuanian Armed Forces, ‘NATO Air Policing Mission – Baltic Air Policing’, s. a. Online: https://kariuomene.kam.lt/en/structure_1469/air_force/nato_air_-_policing_mission.html Mueller, Karl P, ‘Air Power’, in RAND Project Air Force. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., 2010. Online: https://www.rand.org/pubs/reprints/RP1412.html NATO Allied Joint Publication, ‘Fundamentals of Joint Air Power’, in NATO Standard AJP-3.3. Allied Joint Doctrine for Air and Space Operations, Edition B Version 1. NATO Standardization Office, 2016, 1-2, 1-1–1-18. NATO, ‘Baltic Air Policing’, s. a. Online: https://ac.nato.int/missions/air-policing/baltics NATO, ‘Deterrence and defence’, s. a. Online: https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_133127.htm Raynova, Denitsa and Lukasz Kulesa, ‘Russia–West Incidents in the Air and at Sea 2016–2017: Out of the Danger Zone?’. European Leadership Network, October 2018. Online: https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/resrep22133.pdf?refreqid=excelsior%3A478e308f1a3de47bb6054f6a3bd1471c Royal Australian Air Force Air Power Development Centre, ‘Fundamentals of Air and Space Power’, in The Air Power Manual. Australian Air Publication, 2013, 121. UK Ministry of Defence’s Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre, ‘An introduction to UK air power’, in Joint Doctrine Publication 0-30 UK Air and Space Power, 2nd Edition, 2017." ["copyrightYear"]=> int(2022) ["issueId"]=> int(453) ["licenseUrl"]=> string(49) "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0" ["pages"]=> string(5) "39-47" ["pub-id::doi"]=> string(23) "10.32565/aarms.2021.2.4" ["abstract"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(1462) "

This paper provides an overview and analysis of the role, place and importance of air power for the success of joint military operations in conduct of NATO deterrence activities and operations. Air power has been highly valued in defence, security and in warfare from its very beginning, since the establishment of the first Air Forces. With its modern development it has become crucial for achieving military goals, as well as national ones. The importance of air power is shown through its definition and comparison in the military doctrines of the air forces of certain countries and NATO, where it is obvious how important it is in the structure of national power, security and defence, as well as in collective security and defence of NATO. The emphasis is on the ongoing implementation of NATO military activities and operations and the projection of the Alliance’s air power in deterring Russia’s potential threats to its members in Northeast Europe, in the Baltic region. The current method of projection of air power and the use of its elements in these NATO military activities are discussed and presented. The special features and capabilities provided by the air power, which do not possess other military components and cannot compensate for these effects, give it a key role in supporting and conducting joint military operations, and in enabling the success of their implementation.

" } ["copyrightHolder"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(28) "Boros Goran, Csengeri János" } ["title"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(76) "Air Power Projection in Conduct of NATO Deterrence Activities and Operations" } ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["authors"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(Author)#751 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(14) { ["id"]=> int(6828) ["email"]=> string(20) "goranboros@gmail.com" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(5623) ["seq"]=> int(4) ["userGroupId"]=> int(82) ["country"]=> string(2) "HR" ["orcid"]=> string(37) "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1897-2233" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" ["hu_HU"]=> string(5) "NUPS " } ["biography"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["familyName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(5) "Boros" ["hu_HU"]=> string(5) "Boros" } ["givenName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(5) "Goran" ["hu_HU"]=> string(5) "Goran" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> object(Author)#770 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(15) { ["id"]=> int(6829) ["email"]=> string(25) "Csengeri.Janos@uni-nke.hu" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(5623) ["seq"]=> int(4) ["userGroupId"]=> int(82) ["country"]=> string(2) "HU" ["orcid"]=> string(37) "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4540-9681" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(108) "assistant professor, Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training, National University of Public Service" } ["biography"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["familyName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(8) "Csengeri" } ["givenName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(6) "János" } ["preferredPublicName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } ["keywords"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> array(7) { [0]=> string(9) "air power" [1]=> string(9) "air force" [2]=> string(4) "NATO" [3]=> string(16) "joint operations" [4]=> string(10) "deterrence" [5]=> string(18) "air force doctrine" [6]=> string(16) "power projection" } } ["subjects"]=> array(0) { } ["disciplines"]=> array(0) { } ["languages"]=> array(0) { } ["supportingAgencies"]=> array(0) { } ["galleys"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(ArticleGalley)#779 (7) { ["_submissionFile"]=> NULL ["_data"]=> array(9) { ["submissionFileId"]=> int(21586) ["id"]=> int(4781) ["isApproved"]=> bool(false) ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["label"]=> string(3) "PDF" ["publicationId"]=> int(5623) ["seq"]=> int(0) ["urlPath"]=> string(0) "" ["urlRemote"]=> string(0) "" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(true) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) }
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Today we have clear evidence, that in Eastern Ukraine regular Russian forces have fought on the separatists’ side. Based on open sources, the main type of unit deployed by the Russian Armed Forces is the Battalion Tactical Group. These Battalion Tactical Groups were deployed in almost all battles of the Russo–Ukraine war. In these battles, the Battalion Tactical Groups used the latest available Russian military equipment and they used them by the latest Russian manuals. It is very important to get familiar with the battle performance, the equipment and the tactics used by the Russian Battalion Tactical Groups in order to have a clear picture of the main tactical formation implemented by the Russians in Eastern Ukraine.

" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["copyrightHolder"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(13) "Takács Márk" } ["title"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(82) "Short Study: Describing the Major Features of the Russian Battalion Tactical Group" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["prefix"]=> array(1) { ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["subtitle"]=> array(1) { ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["authors"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(Author)#778 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(15) { ["id"]=> int(7503) ["email"]=> string(22) "Takacs.Mark@uni-nke.hu" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(5167) ["seq"]=> int(5) ["userGroupId"]=> int(82) ["country"]=> string(2) "HU" ["orcid"]=> string(37) "https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0318-1778" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["biography"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["familyName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(7) "Takács" } ["givenName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(5) "Márk" } ["preferredPublicName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } ["keywords"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> array(7) { [0]=> string(32) "tactics of motorised rifle units" [1]=> string(28) "activities in hybrid warfare" [2]=> string(6) "Russia" [3]=> string(7) "Ukraine" [4]=> string(9) "battalion" [5]=> string(8) "infantry" [6]=> string(15) "motorised rifle" } } ["subjects"]=> array(0) { } ["disciplines"]=> array(0) { } ["languages"]=> array(0) { } ["supportingAgencies"]=> array(0) { } ["galleys"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(ArticleGalley)#784 (7) { ["_submissionFile"]=> NULL ["_data"]=> array(9) { ["submissionFileId"]=> int(21587) ["id"]=> int(4782) ["isApproved"]=> bool(false) ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["label"]=> string(3) "PDF" ["publicationId"]=> int(5167) ["seq"]=> int(0) ["urlPath"]=> string(0) "" ["urlRemote"]=> string(0) "" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(true) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) }
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This study tries to integrate different methods for research on refugee resettlement, which denotes the scholarship that intends to compare specific issues in two or more contexts and societies under their diverse socio-cultural settings. The study aims to represent a holistic picture that allows a greater understanding of refugee resettlement and proposes developing a more appropriate and holistic research methodology for refugee studies to do research in state and public administration. Researching the refugee problem has various distinctive noticeable difficulties that scholars must deal with; it also provides a diverse alternative for each stage to pilot the research process. The paper discusses the correlations amid the methodological problems and clarifies the critical decisions that are considered when researching the refugee problem.

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Ez a tanulmány a menekültek áttelepítésének különböző módszereit igyekszik integrálni, amely utal arra a tanulmányra, amelynek célja a jelenségek egyes kérdéseinek összehasonlítása két vagy több kontextusban és az országokban azok eltérő társadalmi-kulturális helyzetének megfelelően. A cél egy olyan teljes kép bemutatása, amely lehetővé tenné a menekültek áttelepítésének jobb megértését, és számos javaslatot terjeszt elő egy megfelelőbb és holisztikusabb kutatási módszertan kidolgozására a menekültügyi tanulmányok területén az állam és a közigazgatás számára végzett kutatás elvégzésére, mivel sok egyedülálló szembetűnő buktató, amelyekkel a kutatóknak meg kell küzdeniük. Ezenkívül számos alternatívát kínál a kutatási folyamat egyes szakaszainak lebonyolításához. A cikk megpróbálta megvitatni a módszertani kérdések összefüggéseit, és tisztázni azokat a főbb döntéseket, amelyeket a kutatóknak figyelembe kell venniük a menekültekkel kapcsolatos kutatások során.
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Weather extremities became more significant in Central Europe from the beginning of the 21st century. More frequent and severe droughts, floods, precipitations, storms, extreme high (or low) temperatures are occurring nowadays. It has become important also for Hungary to have proper legal and scientific background to fight against these phenomena. In recent years, several legal and technical regulations were born in Hungary as strategic answers for these challenges. The goal is to ease the consequences and adapt to the changes as much as possible. The authors selected some key areas and their interactions as the energy sector, water management and security issues. After describing Hungary’s situation, related environment and the history of recent years’ efforts in these areas, they summarise the responses and probable benefits of the Hungarian countermeasures as a possible positive example for answering the challenges of climate change.

" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["copyrightHolder"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(47) "Földi László, Berek Tamás, Padányi József" } ["title"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(107) "Hungary’s Energy and Water Security Countermeasures as Answers to the Challenges of Global Climate Change" ["hu_HU"]=> string(128) "Magyaroszág energia- és vízbiztonsági intézkedései a globális éghajlatváltozás okozta kihívásokra adott válaszként" } ["prefix"]=> array(1) { ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["subtitle"]=> array(1) { ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["authors"]=> array(3) { [0]=> object(Author)#783 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(15) { ["id"]=> int(5967) ["email"]=> string(23) "foldi.laszlo@uni-nke.hu" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(4935) ["seq"]=> int(7) ["userGroupId"]=> int(82) ["country"]=> string(2) "HU" ["orcid"]=> string(37) "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7575-7188" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["biography"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["familyName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(6) "Földi" ["hu_HU"]=> string(10) "Dr. Földi" } ["givenName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(8) "László" ["hu_HU"]=> string(8) "László" } ["preferredPublicName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> object(Author)#792 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(15) { ["id"]=> int(7504) ["email"]=> string(22) "berek.tamas@uni-nke.hu" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(4935) ["seq"]=> int(7) ["userGroupId"]=> int(82) ["country"]=> string(2) "HU" ["orcid"]=> string(37) "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8358-6139" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["biography"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["familyName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(5) "Berek" } ["givenName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(6) "Tamás" } ["preferredPublicName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } [2]=> object(Author)#785 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(15) { ["id"]=> int(7505) ["email"]=> string(25) "padanyi.jozsef@uni-nke.hu" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(4935) ["seq"]=> int(7) ["userGroupId"]=> int(82) ["country"]=> string(2) "HU" ["orcid"]=> string(37) "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6665-8444" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["biography"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["familyName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(8) "Padányi" } ["givenName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(7) "József" } ["preferredPublicName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } ["keywords"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> array(6) { [0]=> string(14) "climate change" [1]=> string(10) "low carbon" [2]=> string(15) "energy strategy" [3]=> string(16) "water management" [4]=> string(11) "agriculture" [5]=> string(8) "security" } } ["subjects"]=> array(0) { } ["disciplines"]=> array(0) { } ["languages"]=> array(0) { } ["supportingAgencies"]=> array(0) { } ["galleys"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(ArticleGalley)#786 (7) { ["_submissionFile"]=> NULL ["_data"]=> array(9) { ["submissionFileId"]=> int(21589) ["id"]=> int(4784) ["isApproved"]=> bool(false) ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["label"]=> string(3) "PDF" ["publicationId"]=> int(4935) ["seq"]=> int(0) ["urlPath"]=> string(0) "" ["urlRemote"]=> string(0) "" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(true) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) }
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During my professional carrier, I participated in several digital content development projects, and in my doctoral dissertation I examined the ecosystem of e-learning development according to the Design Science (DS) methodology. Partly from the practical experience, partly from the comprehensive research, I perceived that few indicators – which can be applied in practice – were determined about the effectiveness and efficiency of a digital learning content development process.
Traditionally, projects can be evaluated by the ‘iron triangle’: the project is completed on time, within budget in right quality. This approach is not fundamentally wrong, but as several studies point out, it does not provide a complete picture, can even lead to false conclusions, and can determine wrong decisions.
The present work aims to focus specifically on the e-learning content created as a product of professional authoring tools (e.g. the end result is a SCORM standard package). This paper does not seek to take into account the whole development process. In addition to the focus on the content development, it is also important to underline that the background of these findings is in adult learning environments in large or multinational corporations.
In this article, I summarise the key technological, methodological and financial indicators (both key performance indicators and key result indicators) for the learner- and content-centred e-learning materials. Together, these indicators can form a system that gives the opportunity to evaluate and compare e-learning materials in its complexity.

" ["hu_HU"]=> string(1034) "

Kevés olyan – a gyakorlatban is alkalmazható – mutatószám került meghatározásra, amely alapján mérhető lenne egy digitális tananyagfejlesztés eredményessége, hatékonysága. Hagyományosan a projekteket a „vas háromszög” alapján értékelhetjük: időben befejeződtek, költségvetésen belül maradtak és megfelelő minőségben készült el a „sikeres” projekt. E szemlélet alapvetően nem helytelen, de ahogy több tanulmány is rámutat, nem ad teljes képet, és akár rossz döntések előkészítését is eredményezheti. Ez a cikk kifejezetten a digitális tananyagfejlesztés eredménytermékeként létrejött e-learning tananyagra (pl. SCORM csomag) kíván fókuszálni. A tananyagok természetesen egy komplex fejlesztési folyamat eredményeként jönnek létre, amely folyamat pedig összeségében egy tananyagfejlesztési ökoszisztémában értelmezhető, azonban jelen cikk kifejezetten a tananyagok és azok kifejlesztése irányából keresi a metrikákat, mérőszámokat.

" } ["copyrightHolder"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(16) "Balkányi Péter" } ["title"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(95) "Charting Possible Performance Indicators Related to Digital Learning Content Supported Learning" ["hu_HU"]=> string(109) "Digitális tananyagokkal támogatott tanuláshoz kapcsolódó teljesítmény mutatószámok feltérképezése" } ["prefix"]=> array(1) { ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["subtitle"]=> array(1) { ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["authors"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(Author)#775 (6) { ["_data"]=> array(15) { ["id"]=> int(1151) ["email"]=> string(30) "peter.balkanyi@uni-corvinus.hu" ["includeInBrowse"]=> bool(true) ["publicationId"]=> int(1128) ["seq"]=> int(8) ["userGroupId"]=> int(82) ["country"]=> string(2) "HU" ["orcid"]=> string(37) "https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2925-8673" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["affiliation"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["biography"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" ["hu_HU"]=> string(0) "" } ["familyName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(9) "Balkányi" ["hu_HU"]=> string(9) "Balkányi" } ["givenName"]=> array(2) { ["en_US"]=> string(6) "Péter" ["hu_HU"]=> string(6) "Péter" } ["preferredPublicName"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> string(0) "" } ["submissionLocale"]=> string(5) "en_US" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } ["keywords"]=> array(1) { ["en_US"]=> array(6) { [0]=> string(10) "e-learning" [1]=> string(22) "curriculum development" [2]=> string(18) "digital curriculum" [3]=> string(21) "performance indicator" [4]=> string(16) "result indicator" [5]=> string(16) "indicator system" } } ["subjects"]=> array(0) { } ["disciplines"]=> array(0) { } ["languages"]=> array(0) { } ["supportingAgencies"]=> array(0) { } ["galleys"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(ArticleGalley)#793 (7) { ["_submissionFile"]=> NULL ["_data"]=> array(9) { ["submissionFileId"]=> int(21590) ["id"]=> int(4785) ["isApproved"]=> bool(false) ["locale"]=> string(5) "en_US" ["label"]=> string(3) "PDF" ["publicationId"]=> int(1128) ["seq"]=> int(0) ["urlPath"]=> string(0) "" ["urlRemote"]=> string(0) "" } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(true) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) } } } ["_hasLoadableAdapters"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataExtractionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_extractionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) ["_metadataInjectionAdapters"]=> array(0) { } ["_injectionAdaptersLoaded"]=> bool(false) }