The Destruction of the Created World in the Early Wars

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2024.2.2


In his encyclical Laudato si’, issued in 2015, Pope Francis not only spoke out against extremist ideologies, but also formulated the position of the Catholic Church in the relationship between man and the surrounding world. The Lord’s greatest gift to man is the power with which he can shape his environment. This gives us the opportunity to take care of the created world, but we must also see that strength is also a power that can not only create, but also destroy. The primary goal of the conflicts between organised human communities, the wars waged by societies against each other, is to incapacitate the soldiers of the opposing armies, but in addition, the destruction of the created world in the early wars primarily affected man-made cities. War, although an extension of conflict between people, usually involved the destruction of the created world.


Pope Francis Laudato si' ancient wars


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