The Polish Air Force Personnel’s Way from Poland to Great-Britain Between 1939–1940

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2024.2.6


After September 1939, Poland (so called then as Second Polish Republic) fell apart. A government in exile was set up in France. Here they discussed possible ways of reorganising the Polish Air Force and how to carry it out. The soldiers fled through Romania and Hungary to France, where they were allowed to train and deploy after the reorganisation. But in 1940, after France’s capitulation, the entire crew was evacuated to Britain.


air force Poles second world war France Great Britain


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BEEVOR, Antony (2012): The Second World War. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.

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GOSTKOWSKA, Bożena (2007): Tolo muszkieter z Dywizjonu 303. Wspomnieniea o Witoldzie Łokuciewskim. Warszawa: AMF Plus Group.

GRETZYNGIER, Robert (2001): Poles in Defence of Great Britain. July 1940 – June 1941. London: Grub Street.

KOVÁCS István (2006): Csoda a Visztulánál és a Balti-tengernél. Budapest: Európa Könyvkiadó.

LISIEWICZ, Mieczysław (1988): Destiny Can Wait. The Polish Air Force in the Second World War. Nashville: The Battery Press.

MATUSIAK, Wojtek (2014): 303 Squadron. The Complete Illustrated History Volume 1. 1779 – 13. July 1941. Surrey: Wing Leader Ltd.

SZOKOLAY Katalin (1996): Lengyelország története. Budapest: Balassi Kiadó.

Internetes forrás

Rząd Polski na emigracji (1942): Skład osobowy Gabinetów 1939–1949. Józef Piłsudski Institute of America. Online:


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