Fates of Prisoners of War in the European Part of Russia Between 1914–1919
Copyright (c) 2024 bolek zoltan
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The First World War saw the loss of more prisoners of war than any previous major war. My study will focus on the fate of the soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy who were taken prisoner by Russia. Within this, I focus primarily on the European part of Russia. I will try to show the placement of prisoners of war, the prison camps, and I will
also provide statistics on those who died in a Russian prisoner of war camp (Yelabuga, Kazan district).
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CSIKÁNY Tamás (2010): Az első világháború eseményei és hadművészete. Budapest: Zrínyi Miklós Nemzetvédelmi Egyetem.
STESSEL Ernő (1925): Hadifoglyok élete Szibériában. Krasznojarszki fogolytábor. Budapest: Bagó Márton és Fia Nyomda.
Internetes források
KAPLAN, James M. [é. n.]: The Angel of Siberia. Online: https://nordstjernan.com/news/sweden/6562/
RADAUER, Lena (2014): Brändström, Elsa. International Encyclopedia of the First World War, 2014. október 8. Online: https://encyclopedia.1914-1918-online.net/article/brandstrom_elsa
Anna Sandströms högre lärarinneseminarium, Stockholm [é. n.]. Svenskt kvinnobiografiskt lexikon. Online: https://www.skbl.se/sv/utbildningsinstitution/Anna%20Sandstr%C3%B6ms%20h%C3%B6gre%20l%C3%A4rarinneseminarium,%20Stockholm
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