Middle East: What is the Way Forward?

Changing Security Dynamics in the Persian Gulf: The Abraham Accords and the Saudi–Iranian Rapprochement

  • Kovács Anita Mariann
doi: 10.32563/hsz.2023.3.4


The recent changes and processes reshaped the political and security structures of the Middle East radically, redrawing the security framework of the region. The former Levant and Gulf security sub-complexes seem to become intertwined, creating a new security entity, dominated by the Gulf States,3 based on the evolution of the Saudi- Iranian-Israeli relationship. The abandonment of the region by external actors has pushed these countries to look for alternatives to guarantee their own security – the most adequate forms of which are still in question. However, since several escalation risks persist, the emerging new security sub-complex is expected to be characterized by high internal instability and fragile cooperations.


security subcomplex gulfization, Abraham Accords Saudi-Iranian rapprochement regional instability


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