The Role and Appearance of Symbols of Hungarianness at the Inauguration of Military Officers

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2023.4.13


National symbols play a decisive role in the life of a society. Through their value-preserving and mediating role, they connect different age groups and citizens with different professions. For the stratum that chooses a military profession, they convey deeper-rooted values that nurture love for the homeland and commitment to the military career. The atmosphere of the event of becoming an officer is determined by the location, the use of the built space, the line-up of the historical flag line, and the sounds of the National Anthem. The officer’s oath taken in front of the national flag, in this artificially created environment reminiscent of the past, could strengthen the commitment to the military career.


symbol of hungarianness emblem inauguration military remembrance organizational symbolism


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