Religious Conflicts in Africa on the Border of Islam and Christianity

Nigeria and the Central African Republic

  • Hajduk Dániel János
doi: 10.32563/hsz.2023.2.5


In the African region it is not unique, that due to globalisation the developing countries–which are becoming more and more aware of their international situation, still having tribal and religious separation in their heterogen society–are trying to improve their possibilities sometimes even with violent tools and methods according to the
actual ideology. These processes in the two countries of Nigeria and the Republic of Central-Africa on the so-called Sierra Leone–Somali axis are even mixed with the Christian–Muslim conflict. The aim of this paper is to overview the ongoing security and political processes of these two countries and to depict the actualities about the nature of the religious conflicts and the security situation in the heart of the continent.


Christianity Islam religion Nigeria Republic of Central-Africa conflict


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