Environmental Aspects of the Design of the 15M Battle Dress Uniform of the Hungarian Defence Forces, Part 1

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2023.2.3


The modernization and transformation of the Hungarian Defence Forces have taken a new direction with the announcement and execution of the Miklos Zrínyi National
Defence and Force Development Program. The revival of military industry the procurement of military equipment providing new capabilities, the fielding of the 15M Battle
Dress Uniform and increasing the salaries and allowances of career and contract soldiers are only a few of the steps aimed to create modern and well-functioning Hungarian
Defence Forces. Furthermore, due to the fielding of the new Battle Dress Uniform, our service personnel now wear higher quality and more comfortable clothing. However,
during the modernization process, it is also worth considering those factors which may have a negative impact on the environment. The military must make significant efforts to minimize the environmental pollution caused by military activity. The military, being a customer, only plays an indirect role in the pollution caused by the textile industry. Nonetheless, when working out the technical requirements, the military should bear in mind some aspects that can help encourage contract manufacturers to use less environmentally harmful processes. In these articles, we describe the current environmental protection trends in the textile industry, then compare – with cost analysis – the different fabrics that are used during production and finally recommend
creating some aspects that should be taken into consideration when selecting and ordering the fabrics for the BDU.


environment protection battle dress uniform development viewpoints textile raw materials


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