The Importance of Interreligious and Interstate Discourse, and Mediation for Peace as Methods in Peacemaking and Peacekeeping

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2023.2.10


One of the defining challenges of our days is the creation of peace and stability, which causes considerable confusion both at the state and church levels. This article intends to argue in favor of the usefulness of two methods that can be evaluated as tools and supplements for peacekeeping and peacemaking, and which require a certain level of openness on the part of the parties in the direction of cooperation: according to the author of this article, the cooperation of the state and the church could be fruitful in the prevention phase of conflicts and crisis situations in the form of dialogue, and after the escalation of the conflict, using an alternative dispute resolution method, mediation. After describing the views related to the perception of peace and the tasks of the state and the church on this field, the main part of the article deals with the characteristics of these methods and tries to shed light on why they can be useful in a conflict-burdened region such as the MENA region.


peace discourse mediation MENA


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