How Does the Psychologist Feel in the Military?

  • Andó Sándor
doi: 10.32563/hsz.2023.2.13


The subject of the study is the research conducted in the first quarter of 2022, which extended psychologists working in defence-health care system of the Hungarian Defence
Forces. Forty-three psychologists took part in the study, which practically represented the entire active workforce at the time. The research concerning the situation, satisfaction, opportunities, motivations, plans, and attitudes of psychologists was carried out using questionnaires and personal interviews. Due to limitations in scope, this study does not address the entire forty-nine plus six questions of the questionnaire and their sub-questions, but it tries to answer the question formulated in the title by interpreting
the relevant questions and connections. Due to the complexity of the research, the publication contains the most important ones in terms of processing the data from the questionnaire and presents their basic statistical values. The conclusions drawn from the results are not only professionally important as a cross-sectional status, but also provide basic information for the future regarding the field of military psychology, the workplace behavior and attitude of psychologists, and the set of conditions that determine their work.


attitude axamination psychologist statistics military


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