Hungarian Scouting as a tool for Patriotic Education

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2022.4.9


In terms of the ends and means of Hungarian scouting, it carries out the patriotic education of youth, which system of ends and means shows a significant overlap with the patriotic education goals declared by the state. This creates a good opportunity for the state to take advantage of the potential inherent in scouting and the activities of the scouting movement in order to implement the state’s objectives. Hungarian scouting has certain characteristics; different from world scouting; that further enhance
its potential and further justify the examination of the movement and method from a military-scientific point of view. In this article, I will try to describe and present the
instruments of scouting as simply as possible, highlighting the features that can later serve as the basis for research on the criteria for cooperation with the military. The analysis of the scouting method may also create an opportunity to develop the system of patriotic education carried out by the state.


scouting patriotic education military education recruitment


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