Aviation Connections to Resilience

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2022.1.4


Civil and military aviation and their technological systems  have key importance in peacetime and beyond, some of  them are the part of the national critical infrastructure. Maintaining and developing resilience in domestic and federal environments are essential, and it is important to  ensure that the relevant civilian actors are involved in the  process just like the public sector. According to the NATO  approach, the operation of civilian transport and  communication systems in all circumstances is an essential segment of resilience, moreover, the examination of certain  aspects of their operation in non-peaceful periods  is also essential for the effective development of these  sectors from the defence perspective. The Alliance has  taken a number of steps to explore aviation issues in this  area, but the involvement and contribution of Member  States is still important and unavoidable. This paper  examines the relationship between resilience and aviation  from NATO perspective, and attempts to assign possible  civilian capability pairs to it. 


resilience capability aviation air traffic management


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