Project management in practice

  • Pölöskei János
  • Vágner Szabolcs
doi: 10.32563/hsz.2021.2.11


The Hungarian Government with its Resolution 1273/2016 (VI.7.) started a historical military development project that put the Hungarian Defence Forces on a new road. The aim of this horizontal and vertical development programme is to build up a modern and capable Hungarian Defence Forces. There are several capability development projects
in the Zrínyi Modernisation Programme that are complex and unique, it contains a series of procurements, requires huge coordination efforts between all the involved parties, which is determined by the result to be achieved, the costs of the project, the available financial background and the duration of the project. In support of the effective project management, we argue for the importance of a project management office by shortly describing the preparation efforts for the procurement, the contracting and via this we analyse the importance of the project management.


military force and capability development defence planning Hungarian Defence Forces project management


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