Changing Goals in War, in the Afghanistan Long War


The Prussian Carl Von Clausewitz is still one of the greatest theorist of war. From time to time however, his position is challenged, and the rightness of his statements are scrutinised. This study examines the validity of Clausewitz’s statement to the ongoing Afghanistan war who said that: “original political objects can greatly alter during the course of the war and may finally change entirely since they are influenced by events and their probable consequences”.
The United States of America attacked Afghanistan after the terrorist attacks of 2001. 09. 11. with the purpose to overthrow the Taliban regime, and to dispell Al Qaida from the country. The goal was to create a stable state where no terrorist group will ever be able to create training camps or launch attacks against the U.S. or its allies. This main goal remains until this day, but the form of implementation and the smaller goals changed. This was due to the change of the enemies’ behavior, their military tactics and other external factors.


Clausewitz Afghanistan taliban goals


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