The Influence of Variance of Bullet Weight to Muzzle Velocity of Bullet

  • Garai Dominik


The goal of this work is showing the influence of variance of bullet to muzzle velocity. Ballistics is as a science very complicated, so it was divided into inner and external ballistics. All of features of ballistics’ are very complicated and they all influence each other. The problematic of counting all of these phenomena’s is very comprehensive and we are not able to make one big theory of all of these features and show how they influence the bullet, because each single change of parameter can cause different results in different measured size.
In my project I want to express how weight of bullet and its variance influences the muzzle velocity of bullet. There are so many factors that influence the muzzle velocity and on the other hand there are many factors that are influenced by muzzle velocity. Here it is greatly shown how inner and external ballistics cooperate together during fire.
In theoretical part I try to explain some facts about shot 7,62mm x 43 and try to give some basic information about this bullet. Then I state some basic inner and external ballistic features and show how they influence the muzzle velocity. Despite the fact that this work is mainly about variance of bullet weight I can not forget to state other phenomenons at least in small measurement. After that I make equation with all parameters influencing muzzle velocity and then, due to characteristics of weapon and weapon system I calculate it and try to say how muzzle velocity is influenced by variance of bullet weight.
In practical part, that is in the middle of theoretical one I make weight determination process to state weights of shots to be able to count equations of muzzle velocities. It is very difficult to find the line between the theoretical part and practical part because they are closely connected.
Due to facts that understanding of all ballistics features of this project is difficult I try to explain the facts appearing in this work in simple ways.


bullet ballistics charging conditions muzzle velocity bullet weight equation calculations


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