The comparison of the Organizational Structures of the Police and the Catholic Church in Order to Establish an Effective Cooperation


Organizations both in the state and in the Church have a functional frame. This functional frame is ensured by laws. In this study I am comparing the systemic structures of the police and of the Chatolic Church. The law of the police forms the base of the comparison from the side of the police. The Church statue-book, which was written in 1983, forms the base of the comparison from the side of te Church. The description of the two special organizations’ systematic structures proves and identifies those statements, which show the importance and the necessity of the cooperation between the two organizations. The study points out the joints between the two organisations, where it is possible to form a professional collaboration with mutual benefits and shows those relevant new security challenges that concern the Chatolic Church in the European Union.


police Chatolic Church new challenges policies of safety and security politics systemic structure


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