Practical Realization of the Disciplines of Mechanized Warfare During the Combat Actions of the Royal Hungarian Army Between 1940–1944


In the opinion of Hungarian military experts of that age, campains based on motorized and armoured troops were proven, that military aim could be achieved against the most modern defence in short time supposing the command superioritiy, the high level of training and organization of the combat troops, the moral stability and the high quality equipment. During the operations with armoured troops the key issue was air force support, from which followed, that air supremacy and sovereignty above the action territority are preconditions of the effective and substantive armoured warfare. In some opinion air sovereignty was not a necessary precondition of the joint engagement of infantry and armoured units, the joint strike forces had to satisfy themselves with temporary air superiority or with ensuring of air reconnaissance and contribution of fighter flying for the armoured units.


armoured unit tank-destroyer patrols Royal Hungarian Army Ferenc Koszorús anti-tank gun T 34 tank Nimród


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