The Zrinski Family Cult along the Hungarian-CroatianSlovenian Border

  • Zágorec-Csuka Judit
doi: 10.32563/hsz.2019.1.ksz.24


This article focuses on the Zrinski family cult, who lived on the border between Hungary, Croatia, and Slovenia. The family cult is often discussed in different lectures such as Hadtörténeti esték Nagykanizsán (War Nights in Nagykanizsa), and during annual programmes, such as Zrínyi Miklós Várjátékok és Kulturális Fesztivál (Castle Games and Cultural Program of Zrinski) and Zrínyi-napok (The Days of Zrinski). Focus is given to the operations of the Zrínyi cadet organisation in Murakeresztúr and the Zrinska garda organisation in Čakovec, as well as to the operation of the Zalai Magyar Nemzeti Szövetség és a Rákóczi Szövetség society, which is reflected in the perservation of the Zrinski family cult in Zala, Hungary, and also in Croatia.


Research performed by scientific institutions in the area of Novi Zrin (Zrínyiújvár) and the publication of scientific monographs in Hungary (Budapest) and Croatia (Zagreb, Čakovec) are important in this context. The vision, the construction of the Nikolaj Zrinski Interpretation Centre in Lendava, planned within the framework of the Croatian Society, and the creation of the Scientific-Research Centre in Čakovec, on the initiative of Zrinska garda, are all aspects that should be stressed.


the Zrinski family cult Zrínyi cadets scientific Zrinski monographs Zrinski research


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