Possible Measures to Estimate Military Airspace Capacity
Copyright (c) 2023 Paulov Attila

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Controlled airspace have a capacity value to ensure safe and efficient management of air traffic. The capacity value represents the maximum number of aircraft that can safely operate within a given airspace over a certain period of time, while maintaining the required level of safety and efficiency. From a civilian air traffic control point of view, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the capacity value of each airspace. This information helps controllers to effectively manage the traffic flow within the airspace and avoid overloading, which can lead to delays, increased fuel consumption and potential safety risks. Additionally, knowing the capacity value of an airspace can also help controllers to make valid decisions when it comes to scheduling flights, route planning and managing air traffic during peak periods. By understanding the importance of the capacity values of an airspace controlled by a civilian provider, it is essential to have capacity values in airspace under military control as well in order to complete the given military operations successfully. In my study, I would like to present the aspects of the possible determination of the capacity value of military airspace.
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Legal references
Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2150/2005 of 23 December 2005 Laying Down Common Rules for the Flexible Use of Airspace
Decree 3/2006 (II. 2.) of the Ministry of Defence on Rules of the Air Applicable within the Airspace Designated for the Purpose of State Flights
Decree 57/2016 (XII. 22.) of the Ministry of National Development on the Rules and Procedures of the Air Traffic Control Services