Cluster Analysis Focusing on the Business Model of European Credit Institutions Based on Data Prior to the Coronavirus Crisis
Copyright (c) 2022 El-Meouch Nedim Márton

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Following the economic crisis of 2008–2009, Western European banking groups have significantly reduced their presence in the Central and Eastern European region,
which has often been replaced by representatives of the latter region. Based on this rearrangement, the aim of the present research is to cluster European credit institutions
according to their business model using their financial indicators observed before the onset of the coronavirus. Based on the results, the common distinction observed in the literature, the differences between commercial banking operation and the investment banking profile are identified, thus credit institutions are separated in the formed clusters. Institutions in Western Europe and Central and Eastern Europe do not fit strictly into one cluster, but their distribution differs significantly across clusters. The share of credit institutions with foreign parents within groups also differs from the total distribution, and only almost half of the parent and subsidiary bank pairs are included in the same cluster in the analysis.
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