Does the Russia-Ukraine War Justify the Enhancement of European Defense Capabilities?

  • Krisztián Jójárt
doi: 10.32576/nb.2024.2.2


The aim of this study is to answer whether the strengthening of European defence capabilities is justified. In order to determine this, it analyses likely Russian intentions and capabilities, with a particular focus on the Russian perception of the conflict with the West and the war in Ukraine. The paper’s main argument is that, although Russia is unlikely to attack a NATO member state, the war in Ukraine is seen by Moscow as part of a hybrid war with the West, waged by non-military means, such as information and economic warfare. The trends in Russian force development show that the Kremlin is preparing to fight a large-scale war. In light of this, the strengthening of European defence potential is certainly justified.


Russia-Ukraine War Russian military Russian military thinking Russian military threat


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