In the Margin of a Non-Paper

  • Ördögh Tibor
doi: 10.32576/nb.2022.3.1


When the non-paper was published in the spring of 2021, a number of speculations were made about the identity of the author or even with whom and how it was negotiated. Its idea is that the partition of Bosnia and Herzegovina could lead to the unification of Greater Croatia and Greater Serbia, as well as the unification of Kosovo and Albania. All these concepts fit into the history of nationalism of the nations, which have been trying to realise their ideas of a great state for centuries, and for which they have fought wars with each other. The root of the problem is twofold: on the one hand, it marks the disruption of Bosnia’s internal functioning, and on the other hand, the disarray of its border disputes with its neighbours could lead to the redrawing of borders. In my study, I would like to focus on how the non-paper’s ideas have been translated into nationalist plans and how the volatile situation of borders is evolving in the region today.


Balkan non-paper borders Bosnia and Herzegovina Kosovo European Union


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