North Kosovo, the Key to the Brussels Dialogue(?)

  • Ármás Julianna
doi: 10.32576/nb.2022.3.4


The Belgrade–Pristina dialogue’s negotiations to settle relations between Kosovo and Serbia have been stalled, as Serbia is expected to recognise Kosovo’s independence, but Serbia is first demanding autonomy for the Serb-majority municipalities located (mainly) in northern Kosovo. Taking into account the demographic changes and current conditions in the region, Kosovo’s reaction to the Brussels Agreement (2013) on the Association of Serb Municipalities and the situation of the Albanian population in the Preševo Valley, no real progress is expected in the near future. Although the possibility of a land swap as a solution is occasionally raised in the political discourse, the lack of international support and a number of practical obstacles make its reality questionable, and the stalemate in northern Kosovo remains.


Kosovo Serbia Brussels dialogue Preševo Valley land swap


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