The Ideological Forerunners of Soft Power Thinking and Influence

The Origins of the Analytical Concept of Soft Power Thinking Based on the Power of Attraction of Assumed Universal Values

  • Pál Melinda
doi: 10.32576/nb.2021.4.5


Soft power is a pulling force, an influence based on attraction, cooperation, and induction of a voluntary desire for identification. The origin of American soft power is a non-feudal and non-dynastic society based on human rights and individual freedom, which the American people consider a jewel of their classical liberal value system, as enshrined in their constitution. The theoretical basis of this value system originates from the broad consensus of social values conceived in the spirit of the Enlightenment. This paper outlines the historical development of the value system and ideology that to this day dominate Western Civilization, which began during the 17th century and flourished in the course of the Enlightenment of the 18th century. Furthermore, this paper outlines the American exceptionalism/sense of mission that originates from the establishment of the first American colonies in the 17th century. As the origins of the soft power analytical concept rose from what some consider to be the universally-held value system of the United States, this study examines the ideals and thinkers of the Enlightenment who have grounded this value system ‘primarily’ or exclusively from an ideological distance, most significantly the works and roles of Locke, Hobbes, and Kant. In the chapter on American exceptionalism and sense of mission, this study highlights the works and influence of the personalities who, by simplifying, were the forerunners and main advocates of non-military policies and liberal internationalism. The concluding chapters of the study outline the nature of U.S. foreign policy during its transition from a bipolar to a unilateral position of power from the perspective of the elaboration of the analytical concept of soft power developed in 2004. The paper emphasizes the rise of neo conservatism, the ideological trend that provided the theoretical basis that underpinned the Iraqi intervention, which was not supported by global international organizations, and which was thus, as a counter-trend, a direct indicator of the elaboration of Nye’s analytical concept of soft power, a theory intended as a guide for realpolitik-oriented politicians. In this context, the concept of Nye has also become an ever-present element of the current and ongoing peace policies.


soft power value-system based on individual freedom mission statement non-military policies Enlightenment


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