Iran–U.S. Relations from the Conclusion of the Nuclear Agreement until Today

  • Jászfalvi Orsolya
doi: 10.32576/nb.2021.3.1


The Iran–U.S. relation had come to a turning point during the Islamic Revolution, and after that, the relation of the two countries became more and more tense, because of the Iranian nuclear program inter alia. This issue has been on the schedule of the UN Security Council for several years; however, in 2015 the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was created by diplomatic means, which normalized the relation of the two countries for a while. Nevertheless, the United States once again considers the production of an Iranian nuclear weapon as a threat since 2018, the Iranian and American interests are confronting during the restoring process of the JCPOA, and these negotiations have not ended so far. Depending on what kind of solution will be born, there are more scenarios to be considered regarding the development of the Iran–U.S. relation.


Iran United States of America nuclear deal nuclear weapon Middle-East


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