The Fourth Nuclear Test of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Future of the Nuclear Program

  • Péczeli Anna


Despite the claims of the regime, the fourth nuclear test of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) on January 6, 2016 was not a hydrogen bomb, but it still has important strategic implications. With every successful nuclear test, the regime learns a lot and acquires an increasingly sophisticated nuclear arsenal. From the perspective of the U.S., it is a huge challenge because of its allies in the region, and also because of a potential direct threat to its own homeland. If Washington is not able to stop the North Korean developments, sooner or later, Pyongyang will be able to produce nuclear-equipped delivery systems that can directly reach the territory of the U.S. In light of all these, the Obama administration’s strategy needs an immediate review with a focus on strengthening international cooperation, and identifying those incentives which might be able to bring Pyongyang back to the negotiating table and convince the regime to accept restraints on its nuclear program.


North Korea nuclear program nuclear test strategic patience Obama-administration


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