Educational Issues of Strategic Aspects of Cyber Security in Public Service

  • Krasznay Csaba


Events in cyberspace have an indisputable impact on the physical world, and 2017 taught this even for those who try to exclude themselves from digital existence. Just to think that the first American president was inaugurated in January, whose election was seriously influenced by an external actor using social networks or the fact that the Hungarian media was dominated by an IT attack and its effects almost for a month in August. But it is worth mentioning the two global malicious code campaigns (Wannacry, NotPetya) that caused massive damage in May and June in several countries and industries, demonstrating the potential impact of cyber-weapons. These are events that organizations participating in the country’s defense must respond. It is questionable, however, where are those public service professionals who are able to respond to the many-time non-technical challenges? This paper looks at what kind of cyber defense capabilities are needed in Hungary, how to create them, and what role has the National University of Public Service in that.


cyber security education public service defense


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