Basic Theories of Cyber Security – With an Outlook on 2016

  • Molnár Dóra


It is no exaggeration to say that today cybersecurity is all over the news. Once data of hundreds of millions are stolen, at other times elections are manipulated or top secret intelligence materials are made accessible to the general public. But who are the perpetrators? And how to imagine their area of operation? The aim of the study is to briefly present the most important basic concepts related to cyber security and also to outline the processes that led to the rapid emergence of this special security area. In the second half of the study, some high-profile cyber-attacks committed and/or published in 2016 are described; ones that affected either the United States or the Middle East. I have decided to choose the events of last year because some trends characterizing cyber-attacks have become so obvious by 2016 that further conclusions can be drawn.


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