German–Turkish Relations in the Aftermath of the 2017 German Elections

  • Egeresi Zoltán


This analysis aims at describing the dynamics of German–Turkish relations, with a special focus on the diplomatic quarrels of the past year. Berlin’s adoption of the resolution on acknowledging the Armenian genocide, the relocation of the German contingent from Incirlik Air Base, the politically motivated imprisonment of German citizens in Turkey and the exchange of harsh communiqués are the proofs of the deterioration of a once better relationship. Even though the rhetoric of both sides was conflicting, especially during the electoral campaign periods; in fact it would be a shared interest of both Ankara and Berlin to settle the disputes. The current analysis sets out the fundaments of German–Turkish relations, the role that the Turkish diaspora living in Germany plays in these relations in general and in the latest quarrels, and what possible changes can be expected in the German–Turkish relations after the German parliamentary elections of September 24, 2017.


Germany Turkey elections Angela Merkel Recep Tayyip Erdoğan


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