The Beginning of the Security Awareness Program in the Field Of Counterterrorism

doi: 10.32561/nsz.2019.4.9


Terrorist acts have occurred in the lives of certain societies since antiquity. Although their content and forms have undergone significant changes over the past centuries, their main characteristics, the threat of violence and the use of violence against society, have remained. It can be established that the phenomenon poses a real risk in the current circumstances. Due to the magnitude and importance of direct and indirect damages in case of a terrorist attack, the counter-terrorism also belongs to those areas which must be payed particular attention in order to prevent terorrism and, in particular, to raise security awareness. Indeed, activities by law enforcement and national security agencies can support the society in preventing and mitigating the negative effects of terrorist attacks. Recognising the importance of prevention, several countries including Hungary have launched various prevention programs in the field of counterterrorism in recent years.


terrorism prevention security awareness


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