Border States in the Baltic II.

Wars of Independence, Military Interventions and Struggle for New Market sin Estonia and Latvia, February 1919 – February 1920

  • Juhász Barnabás
doi: 10.32563/hsz.2024.3.7


In the Baltic both the First World War and the Russian Revolutions in 1917 created such conditions which can be easily parallelled with the events occured in Eastern and Central Europe between 1917 and 1923 when the conclusion of the World War did not mean the ending of the struggles but rather multiplied the number of the actors. My purpose with this article is to introduce the episodes of a european region during and after the World War, by utilising the perspectives of Military History, Sociography, Political Science and Diplomacy, whose events are very limitedly known, but which can help for the better understanding of the contemporary events of Eastern and Central Europe.


Estonia Latvia Germany Russia Soviet Union First World War 1914- 18 1919 1920 Entente War of Independence Terror White Terror Red Terror Freebooter Freikorps


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