The Role of Israel in the Middle Eastern Regional System

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2023.4.2


The relations between the Middle Eastern states are mainly characterised by dynamic balancing. The study focuses on the role of Israel, which is the only great regional military power which is at the same time not a potential regional hegemon. Due to its unique characteristics Israel is a balancer agent in the Middle Eastern system, which contributes with its deterrent power to the balancing of any power aiming at achieving regional hegemony. Consequently, Israeli military capabilities combined with its unique perception on security is a pillar of Middle Eastern balance of power, however it is an obstacle to overcome for the emerging regional hegemon. The study also highlights
that as Israeli deterrence is based on its assertive military strategy, therefore in case of a miscalculation it can also contribute to escalation and a radical growth of regional instability.


Israel Middle East balance of power deterrence Iran Saudi Arabia


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