Major General Barna Kazai, Soldier and Pioneering Leader
The Commander of KLKF from 1967 to 1988
Copyright (c) 2023 Sallai János
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
In recent years, the Lajos Kossuth Military College (KLKF) has played a key role in the training of Hungarian commissioned officers. The first two decades of the KLKF were intertwined with those of Major General Barna Kazai, who was the commander of the college from its foundation until 1988. Barna Kazai’s life and work served as an example for students and teachers. This motivated me to explore and present the major milestones of his life and work. Barna Kazai graduated from Lajos Kossuth Military College and M. V. Frunze Military Academy in Moscow, served in the Hungarian People’s Army from squad leader, and platoon commander to division chief, and was later appointed college commander. Throughout his career, he kept learning, and performed his duties with great diligence. His appearance and attire were carrying authority. His memory is preserved in the Kazai Hall, at NKE HHK and on a memorial plaque in Szentendre.
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