Changes in the Special Legal Order and the Duties of the Voluntary Reserve System during the Period of the Special Legal Order

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2023.3.14


In the 30 years after the regime change, the continuous appearance of special legal order elements can be seen in the Constitution of Hungary, and since 2012 in its Fundamental Law, which follows the changes in the country’s security policy environment. In 2022, the existing six special legal order elements were rationalised, reducing them to three and making the legislative environment more transparent. The development of the voluntary reserve system of the Hungarian Defence Forces received new impetus in 2010, as a result of which the Hungarian Defence Forces currently has more than 11,500 voluntary reserve soldiers. The purpose of the study is to present
the change in the institution of the special legal order, and what kind of task system the voluntary reserve staff performs during the period of the special legal order.


Hungary special legal order voluntary reserve system


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