The Hungarian Engagament in the Breakthrough of Gorlice

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2022.3.6


In the Hungarian military history, Gorlice has a special place. At the moment of the outbreak of the Great War, everybody waited a quick war. However, as the time went on, it became increasingly clear, that a quick victory would be delayed, and even the war drag on. The Austro–Hungarian Monarchy first fought disappointing struggle
against Serbia, then retreated against the Russian troops on the Eastern Front, and its troops had to defend themselves in the Carpathians. However, the Gorlice breakthrough changed all this and gave new hope to the discouraged officers, soldiers and for those who lived in the hinterlands. The success of the offensive was largely due to
the perseverance and the position of the Hungarian troops and soldiers.


Gorlice Hungarian engagement Great War


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Levéltári források

Hadtörténelmi Levéltár VII. fond főcsoportja, Personalia gyűjtemény (HL VII. Personalia)

HL. VII. Personalia 149/D.

HL. VII. Personalia 227/A.

Hadtörténelmi Levéltár Tanulmánygyűjtemény (Tgy.)

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Tgy. 825. Tarich Lajos: A m. kir. 17. honvéd gyalogezred I. zászlóaljának harcai, 1915. máj. 5. – 10-ig a gorlicei áttörést követő harcokban.

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május hó 3-án.


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