Possible Ways to Integrate Artificial Intelligence to the Headquarters’ Activities

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2022.3.9


The activities of military units are managed by commanders through a system of headquarters. The workflow of the headquarters is likely to be altered fundamentally by new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence. Our work has multiple objectives; the main objective is to scrutinize the feasibility of the Artificial Intelligence’s utilization in the operations planning and management. We considered the examination of the headquarters, its functions and its general tasks as paramount to achieve the primary goal.
We stated that the headquarters is the location within a military unit where the leadership performs its main tasks that are the decision-support, operations planning, operations management and coordination. We demonstrated that solutions for automating management and data processing were already being developed in the 1950s, and that artificial intelligence is another tool for automating processes. We delineated that the artificial intelligence in its current state can be used for data processing and intelligence purposes, but it has potential for the facilitation of planning and command and control processes.


Artificial Intelligence command post headquarters


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