The Aspirations of the Hungarian Defence Forces Development Programme in 2020

  • Váradi Gréta
doi: 10.32563/hsz.2021.4.2


The most comprehensive development programme of the last quarter of a century is the Zrínyi Defence and Military  Development Programme. The purpose of the study is to  present last year’s military procurements and aspirations  as well as review the new organisational units of the  Hungarian Defence Forces. In respect of the military  equipment, last year the Hungarian Defence Forces carried  out several procurements which means the foundation  stone of modernisation. Thanks to the overall  modernisation and the procurements so far, the carrying  capacity has been re-established, the rotary-wing capability  has been reconstructed, the country has regained its  protective ability and the country’s defence capability is  constantly improving so it can increasingly contribute to the  Euro-Atlantic security and the maintenance of  European peace. 


Hungary Defence and Military Development Programme modernisation military equipment


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